Chapter 257 – Queen Reina


Of all the things I expected to hear when I met my long–lost mother for the first time, it certainly wasn’t, “You’re too late.”

I stop dead in my tracks, glancing nervously at Cora, Roger and Philippe. We’re barely out of the transport boats, and my bare feet are sinking into the dense black sand covering the beach. It slips between my toes, and I absentmindedly squidge them this way and that, enjoying the sensations while my brain tries to catch up.

“We’re too late?” I finally repeat as our little party remains frozen at the edge of the waves, wondering if we might be sent back the way we came.

“You should have been here months ago.” One of the priests announces grimly.

I recognize the man from my dreams, and suddenly my heart stops beating. His face is so familiar, and yet I doubt I’d be able to pick him out of a lineup. He’s at once entirely unremarkable, yet impossible to forget. Cora leans into me, sensing my tension if not my malfunctioning heart. “I didn’t even know this place existed until last week!” I say by way of explanation, my voice hoarse and wary. “I would have come sooner if I knew I was supposed to.”

The three figures exchange dubious glances, and though my wolf refuses to take her attention off the priests, my other senses are completely distracted by my investigation of my mother. She smells familiar, but when I reach towards her with my thoughts, I come up against a blank wall. She’s shutting me out. My heart sinks, and a new voice pulls my attention from Reina’s beautiful face.

The second priest – also from my nightmares – grumbles, “Very well then, you’d better come in.” We begin to move forward, but Reina stops us with a raised palm. “Just Ella.” She orders, her voice soft and yet inarguable. “The rest of you will have to return to your ship.”

“We’re not leaving her.” Cora objects, her hand wrapping tightly around my arm as if she fears they might attempt to take me by force.

sacred land. Only those blessed by the Goddess are

we’ll risk it.” Roger bites back, stepping forward with utter authority. “We stay with Ella.” Reina arches one blonde brow as she considers my mate’s brother. After some contemplation, she concedes, “As you wish.” One graceful palm is outstretched, welcoming our small group onto the island. “But no more,

I stare at their retreating forms in shock, trying to wrap my head around this turn of events. They seem both entirely unsurprised and thoroughly underwhelmed by

barely looked

pull me forward. Meanwhile I’m standing here gaping like a fish, too stunned to move. “Come

greeting, Queen Reina and the priests turn out to be generous hosts. They usher us into the temple and set us up in front of a blazing fire. A few novice priestesses carry in dishes piled high with food, as well as kettles full

shrinking next to Cora, increasingly ill–at–ease with every moment that passes. No one says a word. Reina and the priests seem perfectly content to wait until the servants have delivered everything and we’re alone… unfortunately for them, I’m not so patient.

know?” Reina inquires, setting down the steaming teapot in her

find you and learn about my past and my powers, but now I’m only confused.” I explain, “You seem to be expecting us, yet you tell us we’re too late.” I

isn’t true.” Reina corrects me gently. “We’re all very happy you’re

“You left me helpless, defenseless, with no possible tools or advantages in life. You didn’t leave me a single hint about my true identity, so is it any surprise that it

first priest concedes, bowing his head.

bold than I did a few

offers me something akin to a smile, “and this is

with this, or

your life.” Pollux

ever occur to you that I might not have been broken enough to need saving if you’d protected me?” I demand harshly, trying and failing to get to my feet.

babe.” Cora murmurs in my ear. “You’re more intimidating seated than standing at this

pace. “All this time I’ve been asking myself why I was being punished, why I was being tested.” I turn my focus to Riena, “I’ve waited 30 years to find out where I came from, and now I finally find you and it’s like..” I trail off, pulling out my phone so I can play the recording of Sinclair’s purrs. If this is confusing for Reina and the Priests, they give no hint. Instead they wait until my breathing has gone from heaving gasps to steady exhales, and I summon my remaining

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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