Chapter 307 – How Dare You?


My guests surprise me by staying almost until noon. Well, at least, some of them – mostly those who started hitting the mimosas hard when we got back to the house and then moved to whiskey.

After the baby wakes up and has a little lunch, I come yawning back into the front of the house, where I smile to see that Sinclair has loosened his tie and is enjoying a little banter with Roger and some of the other Alphas.

Isabel and James have gone, back to their hotel to let little Sadie sleep in peace, but Cora is still here, curled up on a couch and half dozing as Henry – I laugh to see him a little tipsy as well – tells her stories of his youth. I move over to them, tired but happy to see everyone enjoying themselves.

“How are you, Ella,” Henry asks, smiling at me warmly and peeking at the baby, who looks at him curiously when I hand him over.

“I am good, happy,” I say, grinning at both of them. “Though I wouldn’t say no to sometime soon –”

“Oh my,” Henry says, glancing up at the clock. “We’ve overstayed our welcome –”

my bed “No,” I say, appalled at myself for such a rude comment, “It wasn’t a hint – I’m sorry, stay

“No, Ella,” Cora says, laughing and standing up. “Henry is right, and so are you – it is late. Or early or…” she screws up her face in concentration, “whatever. Time to go home!”

We both give Henry a kiss goodbye before he hands my baby back to me and wheels towards the door. Cora leans in to give me a kiss goodbye as well, but I hold her close and whisper in her ear before she can pull away, the baby fussing a little to be smushed, just a bit, between us. “Cora, why didn’t Doctor Hank come today?”

me, a little chagrined, as she stands straight again. “Well, did you

eyes at her. But then I hesitate. “Or…” I slap my hand to my mouth, realizing… “Cora!

raises an eyebrow at me, a little offended. “Ella, Hank

a frustrated hand down my face, confused. “Cora, if he’s not your boyfriend then what is

in the hope that no one’s listening.

say, crossing my arms over my chest. “Hank told me that he wants

did he

you’re stopping him because you’re holding a space open for someone

I thought you wanted

voice raised in frustration. My words echo around the room a little bit and I blush, realizing that our little tiff is…well, not exactly private anymore. I take my sister

me you want me to be happy, and then telling me you want me to be with Roger, and then kind of yelling at me for not bringing Hank into a literal pack of wolves for a magical

decided that that was Hank! But if you’re still keeping space for Roger…” I turn my glare on the back of his head now, angry again. “What happened out in those woods?

shoulders and giving me a little shake, though I can see a blush on her

shakes her head. “I’m tired, Ella,” she says, looking towards the door and then back at me. “I’m going home, but I don’t want to leave it this way. It was a great night – really …special. Can we just tell each other we love each other, and then go take much–needed

as I pull my sister close to me. “I’m sorry, Cora, you’re right. I’m – I must just be over–tired. It’s been

to me, and then bends to kiss the baby’s head before squeezing my hand and heading for the door, stopping to

And I know exactly who to take it out

whom he’s been talking, heading to the little bar we set up to refill his drink. I intercept

Cora – “I say, stepping in front of him and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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