The Mystical Attraction of Alpha

Chapter 454: The Threat of War


We’re able to see the true fallout of Xander’s death as the next few days pass, which are…more stressful than I’d like them to be. Cora, luckily, stays at my side through most of it, knowing that I need her support.

“Well,” she says, lounging in bed with me and flicking through her phone ” you’ll be happy to know that incidents of people calling you a hero outweigh those calling you a murderer three to one by this point!”

I sigh and throw a pretzel at my sister, giving her a little glare that she returns with a grin. Both of us are lounging around in pajamas because Sinclair has asked me not to leave our suite until things calm down a bit. Rafe lays peacefully in the blankets between us, gurgling and grabbing at his toes.

“Don’t tease me,” I murmur. “You know I hate this.”

“You need to get over it, Ells,” Cora murmurs, returning her attention to her phone. “You care way too much about what people think about you. You did what you did for everyone’s good. People just love to have someone to dogpile on. And like I said, there are way more people on your side than those who are against you, so I think it’s all turning out nicely.”

“Easy for you to say,” I sigh. “You’re the martyred duchess whose wedding I ruined.”

“I know,” she says, flashing me a wicked grin. “No one’s saying anything bad about me, the poor innocent duchess!”

I growl a little and toss another pretzel at her, satisfied when this one bounces off of her head.

Both of us turn towards the door when it opens though, and twin smiles light our faces when both Sinclair and Roger come in.

“Hey!” Cora calls, sitting up and waving to her mate. “Welcome to the slumber party!”

“I’m jealous,” Roger says as he and Sinclair cross to us. Roger easily slides onto the bed next to Cora, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “You three look so comfortable. And cozy.”

“Yeah well,” I mutter, leaning against Sinclair as he settles on the bed behind me and drops a kiss to my cheek before leaning forward to tickle Rafe’s belly. The baby giggles eagerly, which makes me smile, just a little. “You wouldn’t be so happy about it, Roger, if you were forced to be cozy because you’re on house arrest. Or suite arrest. Or whatever.”

“Well, Ella,” Roger says, looking at me with wide, innocent eyes, a wicked grin starting on his mouth. “I mean, you could always, you know, leap out the window if you’re feeling too contained

at Roger now, hard. But he just snatches it out of the air and pops it into his mouth,

against him. He rubs his cheek warmly against my head and passes a great deal of warmth and love down the bond, knowing that I need it. It hasn’t been easy on me, these past few days. Even if Tempest article did a great deal of work to shine the

know that it’s rather an understatement that I’ve been living up

“Or do we need to bring you more snacks first, so you have something to temper the

snacking a lot these past few days. Anxious eating has never really been my thing but…well, I’ve never

press charges against you, calling you a political agent and a technical extension of the military. Since Xander was a war criminal and was actively committing a violent crime that would have resulted in an order to use lethal force to stop him, your actions

Cora says, her eyebrows going up. “How the

result, the role of Queen has been officially marked as a military and political figure in this

down at the blankets and sighing, feeling

says, giving me a nudge. I look up at him, meeting his frown with my own. “It’s right, Ella. The Queen should have political and military

shake my head at him, giving another sigh. “You’re not telling

in Rafe’s sweet baby scent as he reaches out a pudgy little hand and grasps at my cheek, making me smile just a little bit. “Go on,” I

hear Sinclair sigh again before he begins. “The Atalaxians,

Roger adds,

so-called offense as a rationale to

own eyes fly open. “Does this mean,” my sister asks, hesitating, ” that…that we’re at

worthy of it. It’s…a bullshit move, and everyone knows it – Xander is barely their citizen. But they’re taking advantage of it, trying

thin line as I stare at my little


the last thing I want for

at the heart

rack my brain, wondering if there was anything I

on my hip. I look up at him as he shakes

the night of the wedding. That the Atalaxians encouraged Xander that night so he would overstep. Was this

what that Prince said?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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