After knocking out the severely injured Caspian, the young maiden’s face flushed, and she raised her head to look in the distance.

Darnley Valley was covered in snow all year round.

At a glance, it seemed endless, and one could not tell where they were.

“Let‘s go there first.” When the young lady saw the undulating mountains afar, she nodded and carried Caspian on her shoulder.

Then, she grabbed the Ghoul-Locker Spear and headed in the direction.

The young maiden appeared to be around 15 years old.

Her face was well-defined, and she had a tall nose.

However, her eyes were not as dark as Caspian’s.

Instead, they were a pale blue color, and her hair was the color of a chestnut She appeared exotic.

The clothes she wore were different from ordinary people.

They were in bright, colorful colors, knitted in different techniques than usual.

Nonetheless, she appeared graceful and charming in the dress.

It was obvious that the young lady was not an ordinary person.

Even in the bitter cold, she was only wearing a thin dress, exposing her delicate snow-white wrists and calves.

What was more surprising was that she had two small snakes around her wrist.

Normal people would wear bracelets or cuffs, but there were two snakes wrapped around hers, one was green and the other red.

The snakes were even slowly squirming at that moment.

As she carried Caspian on her shoulders, she did not walk in big steps, but her speed was astonishingly fast.

It was as if she was sliding across the snow, and they arrived at the seemingly distant location in just about half a day.

The young maiden chose a spot at the center of a nearby mountain.

After deciding on a place, she slammed on the snow in front of her.

With a muffled sound, the snow collapsed and revealed a cave.

shouldn’t be a problem now.” The young girl smiled,

she carried Caspian in and closed the cave entrance with snow, leaving only a tiny crack

was not the biggest, but it was spacious for the two

to block the cold and howling wind

young maiden finally carefully examined

Caspian‘s face first, and a complex expression of distress, anger, embarrassment,

Caspian’s cheek with her slender

more than two years, but I know that

people won’t be able to kill

however, she suddenly became angry,

still unconscious, and he did not

would he not be awakened by a slap, it would

The young lady grinned.


years of not seeing each

a few times, the young lady’s eyes had a look

“Forget it.

first, jerk I’ve spent so much time just to find you,

young maiden quickly took out a few small items from her

first and fed him two

she dug out some snow, placed them in a basin, started

as she stared at Caspian’s tattered clothes that were dirtied


out a pair of small silver

Caspian’s pants

calm young lady was somewhat trembling now, and an alluring blush appeared on her

was too flustered, and she accidentally caught a

maiden screamed, and her cheeks


the towel in hot water and carefully wiped away the bloodstains on Caspian’s body, the young lady kept mumbling, “If it weren’t for me saving you in

taking care of you now, but you‘re going to be my

the joyous scene, the young maiden started to

was not a commonly heard tune, and it sounded unique as if it


voice, and it was as if she was born to fascinate people with

long after, the snow cave was filled with a charming and gentle hint, making

girl suddenly said, “His external wounds are healing so


out of the explosion, his skin and flesh were severely wounded, and blood was even gushing out

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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