“Hey! Let go of me! You idiot!” Lucy was embarrassed and annoyed.

She kept struggling to break free.

Lucy never had such close contact with the opposite gender before, and she wanted to escape.

However, Caspian’s arm was as if it was made of steel, and no matter how she twisted and turned, Lucy could not move his hand away.

After some time, Lucy’s face was as red as a beetroot, and her whole body was limp as she ran out of energy.

In the end, only her pair of slender legs kicked weakly.

“Hah! You scolded me for being an idiot and even tried to stab me, yet you want me to let you go?” Caspian snorted.

Then, he looked at the pouting little girl and asked, “Where’s Jessica?”

At that time, Caspian finally could not hold back anymore.

When he saw Lucy, Caspian wanted to ask, “Didn’t you follow Jessica to the Dark Moon Sect? Why are you suddenly here? Didn’t Jessica follow you?”

Caspian knew well of Lucy’s rascal spirit underneath her petite and charming appearance.

If she were unconvinced, Lucy would not entertain the person at all.

Hence, Caspian only asked that after stopping Lucy.

Lucy weakly snorted twice, then she helplessly answered, “I’ll answer you after you put me down.”

Lucy did not have any energy to struggle anymore.

She could not explain why she could not move even the slightest bit as she was being clamped under Caspian’s underarm.

After all, she was a self-proclaimed abnormally strong girl, yet her body was all limp now.

“I’ll put you down after you answer me,” Caspian replied lightly.

“Put me down first!”

“Only if you answer me!”

None of them wanted to compromise, and they stared at each other.

“Idiot! You forced me to do this!” Lucy glared at Caspian and suddenly took a deep breath in.

she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Lady Jessica! Help me!

dense leaves around them seemed to be blown by a gust of wind,

the hell are you shouting? I saw everything.” The next second, a familiar voice sounded from

out, looking

white, and her expression seemed to be somewhat gloomy as she

stunned, and the

the chance to escape

be afraid of Caspian seeking revenge, and

she exclaimed, “Lady Jessica, you’re so mean! You saw idiot Casper bullying me, yet you didn’t

the nerve to say that? You sneaked an attack at him first.” Jessica

she came here and on the way over, her longing for Caspian seemed

Caspian, she suddenly did not

you, so I’m

a joke! How could a girl

ran out of supplies and coincidentally passed

was foolish enough

pass a letter for

to meet

What a coincidence…’

Jessica’s eyes

have said that she met him by accident, so he should not

wanted to say something, she heard Caspian asking, “When did you


next second, Caspian added, “I miss


felt as if there was an explosion in her head, and

and such emotions suddenly

caught off guard that she

all the changes in Jessica’s eyes, and she became as anxious as

isn’t dumb at all! He directly used a fatal skill and stunned

completely fall head over heels for Casper this time, then pigs can fly! Lady Jessica, wake up! Didn’t you say we should

a daze, Caspian already walked

her appearance when they

never saw

of him to

the forest during the Evergreen Town competition, Jessica thought she was in

never truly saw Jessica in life, and he finally

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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