Jessica’s eyes moved slightly.

Then, she nodded and said, “That’s right.

I’m only here to deliver the letter.

Now that the matter is completed, it’s time for me to return.”

From the beginning until now, Jessica was unwilling to admit that she was here just to meet Caspian.

Nonetheless, her tone was filled with reluctance, and even a fool could figure that out.

“Then, let’s go to the nearby town tomorrow,” Caspian suggested, “My realm’s still too low in Heavenly Stars Sect, and I can’t bring you to many places.”

“Will it interrupt your train…” Before Jessica finished her sentence, she lowered her head.

Naturally, she hoped that Caspian would be able to accompany her.

Thus, she was resistant to saying things like interrupting his training.

Once the sunset, the result for the current ranking competition was out too.

Solana, who entered the top ten for the first time in the competition, completed an unexpected breakthrough and finally ranked eighth.

Maya battled greatly last night and returned to her third spot.

Caspian defeated Omar and became the most paid-attention second place. Xander was still the first, and no one could replace him.

After that competition ended, everyone left.

That night, everyone had their thoughts.

As Maya finally returned to her previous third place, she was overjoyed. Omar trained hard with his swords to prepare for the upcoming challenge.

Solana lay in her bed, looking at the moon hanging outside her window, not moving at all.

No one knew what she thought.

Caspian went to the Time Warp Zone, swallowing spirit stones to absorb spiritual Qi.

Jessica was excited about the outing tomorrow, and she could not sleep.


On that night in the valley near the Earlington of Efrax, a bonfire was lit following the moonlight shining at the ground.

flame illuminated the surroundings, interchanging

or sitting, and they

the air was

a tall and skinny woman took out a red jade

some twisted, tadpole-like writings slowly

woman saw that, she

“It’s done.”

rest of the people all stood


see its effect in

a tall and burly man, who was at least two heads taller than an

thick makeup said in a high-pitched tone, “Then,

s not

this goes beautifully, we’ll be rewarded

falls from his fingers is enough for us to use,” A person hiding in

that man with his face covered by his long

retreated and returned to sit

seeds germinate, we’ll have something to

the jade plate and added, “As we’re in South Earlington this time, there will surely be disciples of the sects at that

don’t forget

around her

might seem like only a typical night passed for ordinary people,

Caspian readjusted his body, and at daybreak, he met

constraint, Caspian and Jessica did not go too far, and they chose a town nearby the Heavenly Stars

it was rare for him



heard was the sound

that it was so long since

she enjoyed

she saw anything fun or something delicious, she would stop and


and exchanged the gold and silver

matter what caught Jessica and Lucy’s eyes, he would

much that they could not carry the

bought a barrow and piled the items

Lucy on it and pushed

Jessica, they both

still chose to be like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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