Caspian did not go anywhere for the next ten days but stayed in the Time Warp and practiced.

As Caspian‘s body became more tenacious and condensed, the faster he swallowed the spirit stones.

In less than 24 hours, Caspian was able to digest one piece of spirit stone, and with that, it also enhanced the rapid growth of the storage of the spiritual Qi in him.

The ten days in the real world was 30 days in the Time Warp Zone, which was equivalent to a month.

In that month, Caspian swallowed 32 pieces of spirit stones.

Before that, he needed about 50 days to swallow 32 pieces of spirit stones!

“Based on this speed, the peak first-stage of Pulse Control Realm is not far from my reach ” Caspian thought confidently.

Usually, a Heavenly Stars Sect’s disciple would need at least seven years to go from entry-level first-stage to peak first-stage Pulse Control Realm.

Those who are gifted like Xander would need at least four years too.

Moreover, unlike Caspian, Xander, Omar, and the others were backed by powerful families.

From the beginning, Caspian only relied on himself besides the heirloom left by his mother.

Based on his calculation, Caspian only needed less than a year in real life to reach the peak first-stage from the entry-level!

The Earring of Echo and the Tower of Life left by his mother was Caspian’s greatest reliance! Furthermore, Caspian was excited for the items stored in the upper levels of the Tower of Life.

“I must reach the peak first-stage Pulse Control Realm before the winter! Then, I’ll start breaking through the second-stage Pulse Control Realm and become an outer disciple!” Caspian set a goal for himself.


It was already the third of May, and South Earlington was the warmest part in the Earlington of Efrax.

When the mortals in North Earlington still wore thick attires, South Earlington was already in the middle of summer.

Each day was scorching hot, and the sun rose early and set late.

On what seemed like a typical day, Samson Clifford carried a basket full of produce he got from the mountain and walked home by taking advantage of the sunset light.

and source of water,

person who survived by picking mountain produce and selling them to

all day, Samson’s stomach was already rumbling


the words, Wellspring Village

as he could usually see smoke

that, the large dog reared by the village barked nonstop along with the children’s

there was none

quiet, and Samson could

his steps and rushed toward the entrance of the

saw a corpse next

it was

expression, Samson recognized that it

nothing all day long but just squat at the entrance, staring at the young women of the families in the village

saw Samson return, and when he was in

a long and

lost his lower body, it was apparent

about as if he was torn apart by a ferocious beast, and even his intestine

Samson’s mind went blank.

corpse dumbfoundedly, he

could not hold back anymore and

empty long ago, all he hurled

vomiting when he thought of

as if he was about to puke his stomach

long while, Samson finally

then stumbled and ran

was no

and related it to the strange silence of the village, Samson realized what might have

had wishful thinking, he

eye to the ruined roads and

the pungent smell of blood could not stop

finally reached his house,

home that was built for less than two months seemed to have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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