In that environment, anyone would turn mad, lose their minds, and become insane.

The girl with the neat fringe absolute believed in that, and every Ninth Sacred Sect’s disciples present did not doubt that either.

The Heavenly Stars Sect’s disciples trapped in the Dark Souls Overcast Formation at that moment were also being slowly eroded by the cold and desperate emotions.

Negative emotions such as loneliness, helplessness, fear, and such were like a dark abyss that was slowly swallowing their hearts.

However, someone was an exception.

In that dark and silent environment, Caspian’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

Not long after, he even smiled and sneered.

“What a long-forgotten memory… Unfortunately, it’s not as terrifying….”

The hellhole prison was darker than that! The hellhole prison was quieter than that!

The deadly aura in that place was far behind the hellhole prison with countless lost souls!

One year of imprisonment in the hellhole prison failed to destroy Caspian.

Hence, the Dark Souls Overcast Formation was just like a joke for Caspian, as if they tried to cover the sun with a quilt.

The experience in the hellhole prison made his soul even stronger, and his willpower was also sharpened beyond words.

Not only that, but Caspian’s state of mind and spirit were also tempered as if they were the sharpest blades, biting cold, harsh, and dazzling!

No matter how dark it was, it would be torn to pieces by Caspian’s sharp edge.

“You guys truly… Underestimated me!”

At that time, the light in Caspian’s eyes started to gather, and the blood in his body roared.

Then, Caspian held his Ghoul-Locker Spear horizontally like he drew a sword out of its sheath.

The sharpness shining out was enough to shred and annihilate people’s souls.

The surrounding darkness seemed to feel the accumulated force on Caspian’s body, and it retreated.

Outside the formation, the 16 ghost banners roared in the air as if blown by a strong wind.

fringe was confused, and she tried to

heart won’t be defeated by your trivial

of people in formation, killing thousands of people

I killed more than

destroy my

Spear!” Caspian let out a long roar, and a ghostly light burst out from the Ghoul-Locker Spear in his

formed the shape of an eye, piercing through the

“The Gaze of Death!”


light swelled and became

just a shot, it burst into an

in front of Caspian suddenly seemed to come back to life, and screams and

center, an area was immediately cleared,

on!” Outside the formation, the girl with the neat fringe’s face changed drastically as she could clearly feel the changes with the

How’s that possible… The Dark Souls Overcast Formation can be used as a defensive formation not because

can corrode one’s heart, destroy their hope, and let one unknowingly fall

can’t resist the erosion from the

It’s impossible, absolutely impossible!’

neat fringe shook her head and her

that there seemed to be a scorching sun in the array filled with despair, and the red light was about

several forces struggling to endure the formation, none of those were comparable to the

tiny stream, then this one

Bzz bzz…

madly and in a trance, she

hurriedly turned her head, trying to find the direction where the sound

Sect’s disciples in charge of setting the

“What’s happening!”

“My banner!”


blown torn apart, and the flagpole

the neat fringe heard the screams, puzzled, “Wind?

Qi were boiling even

frequency of his heartbeat was

the air behind him condensed, slowly creeping, as if

“The Sea-Breaker Beast!”


of blood in his body, the remnant soul

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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