Chapter 259

Under a set of luscious lashes, her eyes were bright, her nose delicate, and her lips were like scarlet petals.

Though she beared a resemblance to her mother, her innate elegance and nobility made her stand out from the crowd without even trying.

Her beauty was otherworldly.

Was that his sister, Arabella?

She’s a stunner alright and seemed well–behaved.

But why would she participate in the contest as an assistant?

Was there something fishy going on here?

Hans was stumped.

The stage was semi–circular, with a hundred and twenty designers and assistant’s up on stage, facing the audience, separated by a screen in the middle.


provided by us. You have forty minutes. Designers and their assistants make the most beautiful, temperamental dress you

to distribute the materials

let the competition begin!

the host left the stage,

white gauze and identical accessories – pearls, rhinestones, sequins, and

Molly touched the fabric on the tray, “Arabella, what do you


I saw the gauze, I immediately thought of a wedding dress.” Molly has a brainwave, “Why don’t we design a wedding gown?

a lot of designers will use pearls, sequins, and rhinestones to

make a white wedding dress with rose embroidery. You can cut the dress, and I’ll embroider roses on it with red

excited and picked up a ruler and scissors to start cutting

sister must have given the designer some ideas, providing her with motivation and

shifted to Arabella, she was busy embroidering the bodice of the dress with red thread. Hans noticed

on his suit collar, “Zoom


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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