Chapter 1267

Before they set off, Bruce gathered together the agents from the intelligence division to study everything about Operation Wolffight.

“Bring out all the information regarding District 17 in South Elmerton!”

An intelligence agent pulled out all the information. “According to our investigation by the intelligence division, District 17’s location has been moved to an island in the northern sea of South Elmerton.

“However, there are thousands of islands of various sizes there. At the moment, we can’t be sure which island they had chosen.”

After hearing this, Bruce frowned. “Has Aria contacted the organization yet?”

An agent, codenamed Phantom, shook her head dejectedly. “Not yet, but a secret email was sent to us some time ago.

“After that, we lost contact with her!”

“Show it to me!”

“Here you go!” Phantom opened the email sent by Aria and showed it to Bruce.

Aria sent an encrypted email. It was all in Morse code. Ordinary people could not understand what it was.

Bruce and Aria were from the same school. Of course, they could decipher the contents of the code.

After reading the email, Bruce’s frown deepened further.

at District 17 was even crueler than he had imagined.

split up and meet up at Fort John in South

we’ll set off to

“Got it.”

you guys set off first.

“Yes, deputy director.”

4, you will be the last to be deployed.

“Roger that!”

was solemn as he arranged the

group of mercenaries and buy a batch

“Alright, Mr. Everett!”

Special Affairs

and arrangements to ensure the safety

the order, everyone began to

out to South Elmerton, while others took a detour overseas before finally heading

who smuggled onto ships and snuck into

long time and

Elmerton, they naturally had to

phone began ringing once more.

and again before calling Jennie.

Greyport’s Ship King. Almost all of Greyport’s cargo terminals were the Garcia

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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