Chapter 1257

However, Joanna’s life was at stake now. Bruce’s brain had stopped working.

Now, he didn’t want to think about anything or care about anything.

He only wanted Joanna to live.

Only if Joanna survived would he survive with her. If she died, there would be no point in doing anything.

Another 20 hours passed.


The operating room’s door finally opened again.

The doctors and nurses walked out of the operating room one after another. Their eyes were red from working so long, and they looked tired and haggard.

“Mr. Everett…” The chief surgeon looked at Bruce exhaustedly.

It had been 33 hours since they entered the operating room to resuscitate Joanna.

Bruce had not drunk a single drop of water for two days. His lips were so dry that they were peeling.

When he saw the doctors coming out, he stood up numbly and asked in a hoarse voice, “How’s Joann?”

The doctor’s expression was solemn. “Mr. Everett, we really did our best. We did everything we could.

surgery is considered a success. As

if Mrs. Everett wakes up, she might only

his vision turned

Everett, Mr. Everett!” The doctors and nurses rushed

fainted completely. eally couldn’t hold on any

is exhausted. Hurry up and send

Everett a glucose

more than ten hours before waking up in a

Bruce wawasawake, he latttely came up to Bruce. “Mr. Everett,

joaioann..” Bruce shouted.

still in the intensive care unit

aveakly and struggled

rest more!” said Darcy.

guardajaioann.breplied Bruce.

staggeredred to the outside of the

he could only look at Joanna through

from outsideide.

he intensive

covered in tubes and

kinds of medicaical ent and looked

again!” Bruce leaned ed the ward door and

time agaigairthat he would

he had thethlilibility to make Joanna the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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