Chapter 68 Where Did She Go?

Kieran felt extremely ashamed!

He lowered his head in front of Shane and dared not look up at him.

“So, what question did you want to ask?”


Kieran couldn’t speak.

He only felt that the air around him had become thick and difficult to breathe.

He was embarrassed to say that Valerie had run away from home because of their family relationship.

After a moment of contemplation, he still chose to remain silent.

“Nothing much, just wanted to maintain contact so that if there are any issues in the future, I can reach out to the homeroom teacher for immediate assistance.”

In the end, Kieran never said that Valerie ran away from home because of her family situation.

Shane waited for Kieran to tell the truth, but when he saw the conflicted and confused expression on Kieran’s face, Shane sighed disappointedly.

“I’ll pass it to you, and you can add it later when you go back. Alright, you can go back and get busy now.”

For Kieran, Shane’s words were a godsend. He immediately stood up, bid farewell to Shane, and promptly left the office.

Shane watched as Kieran left, and he took out his phone to find Valerie’s new homeroom teacher. He made a phone call.


“Hey, Principal, what’s up?”

“Did Valerie from your class come to class today?”

In the classroom, Lauren, who used to read early, quickly glanced at the attendance register.

“No, Principal, what’s wrong?”

Shane’s brow furrowed slightly.

“It’s nothing. Her parents will contact you later and may ask you the same questions. Don’t mention that I asked you.”

Lauren suddenly understood and nodded in agreement.

Kieran returned to the car, his face looking very unpleasant.

“Returned to the company.”

“Yes, Mr. Kieran.”

The driver dared not speak too loudly, and the car moved forward slowly.

Sitting in the back seat, Kieran held his phone and started contacting his friends from his list, hoping they could help him find Valerie.

“Huh? What happened to your sister? She’s missing? Don’t worry, bro, I will definitely help you find her!”

a message from one

felt a wave of guilt in

seem as anxious as

looked at the


were filled with

That was freedom.

Horton family tiring for her to stay

he thought, the more Kieran’s head became muddled, and his heart grew increasingly anxious

his sore and

home, only he should be looking for Valerie, and

Suddenly burst into laughter.

you also

even sneakily look for


where were

was being thought of by

her mind prevented her

heavy that I

the Horton family’s chaotic story and scenes were a bit annoying to

It was too noisy.

her strength to


Ouch, my throat hurt.

slowly opened her eyes, everything appeared


Where? Where is this?

run down her spine as she vividly remembered

environment, someone saw themselves

I am usually very cautious, as if someone is indeed approaching

looked a lot like


still a little flustered, but it

Honey! She woke

a hushed tone, afraid of waking

at the door and heard his

looked at Valerie on the bed. Both of them crouched in


our dad

don’t know, after I finished speaking just

again approached Valerie, placing her soft, slightly

little girl? It was a bit

Lamar, unwilling to be left out, came to the other side of the bed and gently brushed Valerie’s face with the

indeed still very

worry gradually eased. She slowly opened her eyes wider, wanting to see clearly who

“Thank you, thank you…”

hoarse voice made Valerie’s throat itch, and

cough cough…

Drink water, drink water! Honey, pour some water! Warm


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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