Chapter 70 Just Settle Down

After Lamar and Ramona fed her the medicine, they let her continue sleeping and resting in the room.

At this moment, Lamar’s phone rang, and he quickly ran out of the room, walking far away.

“What happened?”

The person who came was Tucker’s agent, who had inserted himself to take care of his own son.

“Boss, the young master’s condition has stabilized. Do you think we should let him come back for a break?”

“Well, let him come back. The one at home is almost the same as the one at the hospital.”

Lamar sighed helplessly as his son’s health remained the same, still exhausted from the demands of the entertainment industry.

He still went in without taking care of himself, although he respected the child’s thoughts.

But he was really worried about Tucker’s health.

Helplessly, the agent had Tucker brought back and he returned to the doorstep.

Galen waved his hand, indicating both of them to go to his tea room to talk.

The three of them walked lightly toward the tea room, even when closing the door, they were so cautious.

“Lamar, quickly call your older brother and ask him to partially block the information about Valerie.”

Lamar had not slept for several days, and he was now exhausted. After hearing what Galen said, his mind had not yet processed it.

“Why, Dad? She is Ms. Horton. No matter how much you want a granddaughter, you can’t just snatch someone else’s daughter.”

Galen was about to throw the tea cup in his hand, but seeing the tired face of his son, he ultimately refrained from doing so.

“You have been busy lately and haven’t had time to pay attention to the news and the public opinion on the internet, so take a look first.”

Galen took out his phone and found the video of Valerie explaining live.

The couple leaned forward and huddled together to take a look.

The expression on their own son’s face was quite foul. In addition to being shocked, they were more amazed by Valerie’s logic and language expression abilities.

Until the video of Valerie being beaten appeared before their eyes, Ramona’s mouth had already started trembling uncontrollably. Lamar remained silent, furrowing his brow as he pulled Ramona closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

Patted gently to comfort.

promptly closed

turned red, and Ramona also sympathetically sniffed her

what was

by someone, the discussion about how

silent. Despite her

in her

seeing their daughter being beaten like this? Even if they don’t intervene, they should at


and showed Lamar the announcement that Kieran had instructed the secretary to release in

or eight in the morning,

and not all members of the Horton family came forward

your house in the

program group yesterday afternoon, why did she appear here?

you understand what I


a general, so his guesses were usually

disappeared, and he only feels

have strong emotional fluctuations, but rather spoke to everyone seriously and orderly about the

or not, whether you listen or not, but

Horton family’s attitude toward their children was

Not very good.

“Oh dear! Poor child!”

couldn’t stand it anymore, so she took a few pieces of paper and wiped

do next? Just let her hide in the Fisher family

back a

it could really

and turned his head,

else’s child, even if she has a cold now, if the Horton family comes knocking later, it

door themselves! The Horton family, aren’t they so’powerful? Since they’re so powerful, they should come find me on their own! I’m not

Galen was angry.

the live broadcast, and his dissatisfaction with the Horton family was quite

rubbed his eyes with

“Wife, we…”

it. They’re getting off too cheaply!

now, nodding vigorously in

wife, but even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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