Chapter 76 Help Her Wear Shoes (2)

Galen tightly wrapped Valerie in her coat and didn’t even water the flowers. He just held Valerie in the garden and introduced to her the carefully nurtured flowers.

Derek stood upstairs, pulled back the curtains, and saw his grandfather wandering around the garden with Valerie.

His brow furrowed.

“Young master? You can go have breakfast now.”

“Um, understood, wait a moment.”

He said, he picked up his backpack and went to his wardrobe, hurriedly took out his autumn coat and his warm shoes.

I came to the garden quickly.

“Valerie, Grandpa, good morning.”

A shout made Valerie’s gaze turn toward the living room, and Galen, seeing the atmosphere being ruined by this grandchild, discreetly clicked his tongue.

“Good morning, Derek.”

Valerie politely greeted him.

nodded and walked out of the living room’s large glass door,

I want to



had just dissipated, and he

sensible person put Valerie in their arms

Valerie came down, Derek directly grabbed her

hand, he turned

eyes were filled with

“Hey! You little stinker!”

his eyes and became

only did he compete with himself for the doll,

room, he

and her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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