Chapter 86 Look for Her (2)

Just like it is now.

“What happened?”

Kieran had a headache and could only reluctantly explain the situation. to Tristan.

After listening to the account of what happened, the smile on Tristan’s face vanished, and he lowered his head, lost in thought.

“Didn’t you go to look for them? Are you sure you left such a young child outside?”

“Jayvion also resigned and left immediately when Valerie left. They should have been together…”

At this point, Kieran’s mouth closed and he couldn’t say that he couldn’t find any news about Valerie.


Tristan suddenly laughed coldly.

either. You’re getting closer to

original smile and smiled

“What do you mean?”

thought Valerie would be with

have run too


suddenly had an image of a bus

to feel extremely

turn fearful, Tristan’s expression became more

you, saying

up! How good are you anyway? If this chocolate doesn’t break, will you give

and the two of them

did not

think about getting her a gift. If I don’t mention her

Tristan smirked mischievously.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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