Chapter 89 I’m Samantha (2)

She quickly shook her head and got up from the bed.

Carefully and cautiously, he looked toward Samantha.

Samantha was not reserved at all; she went straight up and hugged Valerie.

In her forties, she looked at Valerie, who had just woken up in front of her, with a slightly rosy face.

It was that familiar finger again, poking her face.

“Ouch! It’s really soft!”

“Okay, okay, she was still having a cold, you quickly let her go back to bed.”

Ramona quickly approached and took Valerie from Samantha’s hands, tightly wrapping her in a blanket to prevent her from catching a cold again.

“Oh, sorry, sorry. I used to hug Calvin like this before, I didn’t pay attention all of a sudden.”

No wonder Calvin used to have a runny nose all the time back then…

Valerie blinked her eyes and looked at Ramona, weakly asking.

who was

Samantha stepped

am Calvin’s mother. Welcome to the Fisher family. I have brought

Samantha Carr?

A somewhat familiar name.


I couldn’t accept your

hahaha. Don’t worry, this gift was made by me personally! I guarantee you’ll

made Valerie even more

cook for you next time as

knew about Valerie’s situation, after all, it had already been

heard Valerie’s slightly urgent

Ramona, locked eyes with her, and finally smiled slightly as she


were surrounding Valerie, following her even when she

finished breakfast, Samantha couldn’t wait to pick up Valerie and head toward

the gift I got for you! Take a look, do you like

room suddenly turned on, and a princess dress in gradient pink was hanging

design, with some parts overlaid with light chiffon

of this princess

Is this for me?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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