The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 263

Episode 263

When Irene returned to the house at Rose Garden, she

washed her hands before going to Tommy. She was surprised to find someone carrying her baby.

“Mrs. Watson?” she exclaimed.

Mrs. Watson smiled. “Mr. Jefferson sent me. He said

there must be someone caring for Tommy at all times.”

Isaac certainly wouldn’t be comfortable with asking a stranger’s help, and hence sent Mrs. Watson.

Irene was pleased that it was Mrs. Watson, since the

latter had always been a kind person who was also genuinely nice to her at Isaac’s other mansion.

“I’m so relieved to have you here!” Irene smiled.

Mrs. Watson then passed Tommy to Irene. The baby was

wide awake, but suddenly started to frown.

Knowing that he had just pooped, Irene pinched his

button nose. “Made a stinky, did we?”

him changed,”

Irene insisted–in her


all the time to do

well. I’ll get a

diaper and throwing it


“Yes, he left

to clean Tommy, who appeared perfectly comfortable now

could sit up now, so Irene sat down on the couch and

were staying at the mansion with us for so long, but I’ve

first saw Tommy, and left

silent, since the matter was quite

happy,” Mrs. Watson then added. “I’ve never seen

when she came over and saw Isaac holding Tommy

the baby so carefully

because of Irene. In the years she worked for him, he was

playing with Tommy, and said offhandedly, He’s

familial warmth because he lost his parents as a child. He may seem aloof, but he actually has a

continued, “You’ve heard recent developments, haven’t

CEO so his uncle could

this while, only for his only family to betray

that Isaac was having trouble

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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