The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 310

Chapter 310

However, just as Quincy was about to speak, Greg snatched his phone away. “Hey, it’s my phone! What do you think you’re doing?”

Quincy froze for seconds and narrowed her eyes.

Greg was clearly feeling guilty, but he had no choice but to do it-what if it was Kathy calling?

He would be exposed!

“Give it to me right now.” Quincy held out a hand, looking dead serious just then.

When Greg refused, she demanded, “Are you cheating on me, Greg?”

“No way! Why would I do that? You’re being paranoid-”

Quincy snatched his phone out of his hands before he could finish, and answered the call. “Hello?”


of Greg’s close friends,

voice too. Feeling confident right then, he snorted at Quincy. “Why would you suspect me? Come on, you’re embarrassing me in front of my friend here-what if he told the others you’re getting strict with me? They won’t ask me to hang out with them now…” Quincy smiled. “Oh,

closer to

that there was nothing

clearly being weird and fumbling to stop her from taking

taking the call, he said, “You must be tired. I’ve told the kitchen to make you some chicken soup, and you should take a

actually emotional that he still cared about her, and smiled. “Well, it’s for you and our son’s sake. We’re all Jeffersons,

around her shoulder then. “I know it’s been difficult since you’ve always been working hard for our family. That’s why I would never do anything to wrong you-I mean, have I done. any such thing after

years. Rubbing her temples, she decided just then that she had been paranoid. Her nerves had certainly been worn thin

for being so understanding, darling,” Quincy said as

kept smiling as he made Quincy lie down in bed. “I can give you

herself on the bed, but she

lan arrived

to meet Eastdawn’s representative there, but for one reason or the other,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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