The Runaway Groom

The Runaway Groom Chapter 314

Chapter 314

Irene’s response was fluent. “Cardiology. In fact, one of the cardiologists here at Melville Hospital is known to be a miracle worker, and has famously cured multiple patients with near-incurable heart conditions.”

The old man rested his chin on his hands and grinned. “Well, you’ve met the man. What do you think about him?”

“I’ve met him?” Irene considered it for a moment, before exclaiming in disbelief, “Wait, do you mean Mr. Poker Face?!”

She could not find a better description for the man-Stephen Carr was so aloof that he was basically devoid of humanity!

“Yes. That was Stephen Carr, Head of Cardiology and our miracle worker.”

“That’s my idol?’ Irene thought to herself then.

“Anyway, which position are you applying for?” the old man asked.

“Cardiology. I’m willing to start as an intern,” Irene said-she was not experienced enough to jump straight into residency, but she was willing to start from the bottom.

“Do you have prior experience?” the old man asked them.

he was rather strict, and did not immediately hire

had been quite simple, starting out as an intern after graduation for two years-one year less than most interns, since the

in the room during surgeries for the next six months, before she went on to be


her age would not be allowed to take the scalpel independently, and she

of Charity Hospital certainly admired her for that, along with her willingness to

a promising future and could make a name for herself, but she ended up running into more than a few obstacles that kept her from working

told the old man about her experience. Given her youth, her resume was already an impressive

old man then asked.

skill than it was worth, but Irene simply smiled. “It’s not as hard as

on their knowledge on surgery, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, each of which were broad fields


physiological observations of side


to claim a practicing license

mused to himself for a while,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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