The next morning I woke up feeling surprisingly well, my usual headache wasn't there, and the constant feel like I was about to die, was nonexistent...for the moment.

I showered and dressed into a casual black and flowered print dress, with black ballet flats.

I left my hair down, and put on some lip gloss.

I walked out into the living room to find Xavier sitting and watching Tv.

"Morning." He said without looking up from the telivison.

"Morning yourself, hey is that all you do? watch TV?"

"Yeah. When it's Adventure time." He muttered, still not looking away from the TV, where some pink space princess was.

"How old are you again?" I asked.

"Twenty-three." He muttered, I think he knew what he had coming.

"You're twenty-three and you are watching a pink fat blob?"

"Hey, that's lumpy space princess!" He yelled, finally turning his head to look at me.

"Mmmh." I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna watch?"







After about three hours of Adventure time, I realized that I hadn't eaten dinner yet, so when the TV show marathon was over I walked into the kitchen.

There was absolutely no food, except for three cases of beer, and a box of Eggo waffles.

Eggo waffles it is, and after a very nourishing breakfast Sin walked in.

Looking nice as always in his tight black shirt and pants, with his jet black hair combed and his icy pale blue eyes alert.

His eyes darted over to mine, but then remained back on Xavier.

"There was movement out side the hotel last night. Mozhet byt' , ital'yantsy" (Could be the Italians)

"You guys do realize that I speak Russian, right?" I said with a sarcastic wink.

forgot, well that sucks now we can't have conversations right in front of you, while you being oblivious." Sin

never could." I

"Right." He sighed.

Italians?" I asked "They were

Sin said,

guys go again?" Xavier asked, folding his arms over


cocked an eye brow, "Isn't

clenched my teeth, "It








afternoon in my room,

of pure boredom to realize, that I didn't have

causal clothes last night to wear to the beach, but those were

dresses and this was the

go to bed naked around a bunch of Horny

they just kinda got...blown up in

the room, combing through my hair with my

towards his room, a few things that I didn't understand was that why Xavier spent his entire day

knocked on his door once before

And there he was.


though I caught a glimpse of a beautiful 8-pack. Or was that a

My eyes flickered.

yup, definitely an

What do you

front of me, "clothes... I need clothes, my other clothes got kind of... um...

at me, "you have no more

I shook my head.

shrugged and walked over to his drawer, handing me one of his button up dress shirts, "then wear

argue when there was a loud pounding on the door, He over to the side table and grabbed the

me." He

behind me? Are you serious? How cliché can you get? I've trained half my life just killing people... I think I can

shrugged and walked over to

gun at who was behind it. I knew it

"Get inside." He growled.

I turned

blood, his right cheek

arm seemed to

ran over to him, he winced as I led him over to the couch

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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