Chapter 126

“Secretary Tesdal, chill out, I know you’ve been wronged, but nothing really happened to Granny, so why don’t we just..” Heatherway frowned, looking troubled

“It’s not you who’s been wronged or almost injured, so don’t act so pitiful Rosalynn said without even glancing at Heatherway.

Heatherway’s eyes immediately reddened, and she instinctively looked at Wayne

Wayne’s expression was cold, and he didn’t seem to have the slightest intention to stop Rosalynn

Heatherway clenched her teeth.

Wayne was so smart

At this point, there’s no way he hadn’t figured out that his own mother was behind all this.

That’s his own mom! How could he be so indifferent?

Rosalynn really that important?

he only saw her as a fubstitute for the Duchess-Olivia.

the deal

Rosalynn wouldn’t let this go easily.

someone who usually backstabbed others

at the lady next to

without a trace of

a moment, she raised her trembling hand

“It was me.”

Everyone was shocked

wasn’t for the misunderstanding with Secretary Tesdal that almost got Granny hurt, I wouldn’t have ever targeted her You’re such a bad


the business world so many years, probably wouldn’t have done this herself

unfamiliar lady to the party She just wanted

my innocence. The rest is a family matter for you to handle,” Rosalynn said to Wayne, “Till be

that in terms of ruthlessness, she could never

care of the

flex his power, he would never go easy on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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