Chapter 129

“After coming back from the Q City, he really buckled down Wayne said casually


Rosalynn seemed totally uninterested

“That guy named Noah.”

Rosalynn frowned

“Like I said before, Noah and I were neighbors when we were kids, it was just a coincidence! My grandparents took care of him, so that’s why I took him to the cemetery that day! Don’t mess with him” Her tone was very bad

The smile on Wayne’s face slowly disappeared

“Don’t you want to hear me out?”


“He’s been working on a project to help children with congenital heart diseases, and I anonymously donated some money to it.”

was stunned, and at the same

not be a good person, but

pursed her

still said. “Thank you.”

at her and felt

all sorts of ways to please

she still

warm, Rosalynn changed the subject.

“Alright Wayne replied

a talker, and Rosalynn didn’t want to talk now Half-asleep, she glanced outside and saw

old lady!”

became wide awake and hurriedly signaled Wayne to pull over

and slowly stopped

her seatbelt and got out of the

Wayne was

Rosalynn got out of the car and shouted at Hilaria.

when she saw Rosalynn. Then

wrong with the car? Rosalynn asked

know” Hilaria helplessly shrugged, “I called for

eyes turned

a man in a black tailor-made suit and a black woolen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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