The Spare Wife

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 There’s a Camera

This segment was a competition between the designers‘ different styles. There was no size restriction for the canvas, and every designer could come up with a draft of their own imagination. according to their understanding of their model’s style.

Since it was a live show about professionals, there was barely any fluff. The screen time was almost all for the contestants. They would have to hand in their first draft before four in the afternoon, and then they would start a discussion and merge things together,

In other words, the designers needed a lot of alone time to gain their inspiration. As the assistant, Abigail had to talk to the models and ask for their measurements to make things easier during the discussion. She and Luna weren’t in the same venue, so she didn’t have time to come up with

another sketch.

Once the host was gone, things in the hall got livelier. The designers were talking about the concept. Abigail was worried, but all she could do was follow Joan to her room. She then took out her notebook and tape measure. “Miss Palmer, I’ll need to take your measurements.”

Joan was in no hurry. Before the cameraman could come in, she leaned on the door and looked at Abigail. “Did Luna meet up with Sean last night? Tell me the truth, and I’ll give you fifteen grand.”

That’s probably her annual salary.

Abigail paused for a moment, then she looked at Joan calmly. “No. Mr. Graham is not her

tea.” Man, she thinks everyone likes Sean.



one here, so I don’t have to hide myself. She put on a scornful look. “So, you want more? Fine. How about seventy–five grand?” She paused and added, “If you refuse to talk, I have my own ways to find the answer

not affect you.”

she could bully anyone she wanted, especially a


Abigail’s heart. “It’s not about the money, Miss Palmer. I can’t just come up with a story

I’ll have Sean assign you to a designer from a better

Joan scoffed.

willing to pay me seventy- five grand.” She’d rather refuse the money than collude with this woman. In fact, Joan

shoved Abigail away. “Trying to

she looked at Joan, but she

was about to take Joan’s measurements, that woman took two steps back, contempt flaring in her eyes. “Did you even wash your hands? And is that tape clean? Buy a

catch any diseases from

really wanted to slap this woman and stomp on her face. You’re just an influencer,

to be assigned as

not even an actual lady, but she acts


production team that you won’t be taking part in today’s segment. You can join once I get a new tape. Deal?” she snapped,

longer polite.

up as well. “I’m telling Luna about this. You have a bad attitude, and you’re unprofessional. I

She heaved

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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