The Spare Wife

Chapter 94

Chapter 94 Full Preparation

Sean knew no matter how strong he was, he couldn’t hold a pot that was almost filled with water

with one hand. The pot tilted, and the water, clams, and greens fell onto the cooktop. The fire was put out. Sean’s shirt, pants, and leather shoes were soiled by the grease and water. Clams and greens fell from the counter, and they clanged when they fell to the ground.

Abigail was holding the basin. She curled up a little as she retreated, staring at Sean in innocence.

and fear. Sean wanted to dunk the pot on her head. He glared at her. “Are you getting back at me?”

Abigail shook her head quickly. “I didn’t mean it, I swear.”

“You’d better not mean it, Abigail.” Sean, for once, got angry, and the veins on his neck throbbed.

“What’s wrong?” Julie held Analise, and they came to the kitchen.

Abigail quickly said, “Just a little accident. It’s nothing. I’ll clean it up.”

Sean put the pot down. “I’ll order delivery.” He lost the mood to cook. In the first place, he only

wanted to make something good to make Analise happy, and then this happened.

Noticing his bad mood, Analise shot Abigail a reproachful look. She quickly asked Julie to hold her

follow Sean quickly. “Are you hurt, Sean? I’m sorry, Abigail’s a klutz.

an elder, she got scared

looking gloomy.

wiped his shirt dry. He looked at Analise and eased up. “I’m alright. We’ll

Julie will do it. She’s familiar with this.” Analise quickly smiled to ease

He looked at his greasy shirt and pants, and he felt like

quickly huddled closer to Analise, and

off his clothes and sniffed

in the air. Sean tossed the tissue and came to the kitchen. Abigail was



thought she had made a mountain out of a molehill, but at that moment,

broom, and then he cleaned the place up silently. Abigail quickly cleaned the countertop. “We have your clothes in the closet. Why

I wanna smack you,‘ said

kitchen, and Sean went into the

Abigail, a little resigned. “He’s so nice to you. And you can cook too. What was

don’t talk about that anymore, Grandma.” She clutched her hair, looking dejected. A while of chatting later, Abigail heard Sean

locked the door. She slowly went to the

and a

thought he must’ve left all the necessities outside on purpose. She grunted and searched the closet for Sean’s clothes. A while later, she took the clothes and towel and turned

standing behind her, and it

I almost had a heart attack!” She glared at him as she tossed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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