The Spare Wife

Chapter 207

Chapter 207 I’m Worried About You

Lynette was happily chatting with Luna when her phone decided to make itself an annoyance.

When she saw that it was the restaurant’s general manager calling, she immediately told Luna, “I need to take a call.”

As soon as she stepped outside the private room, her face turned sour as she answered the call. “What’s the matter? You were supposed to stop them! Yet, here you are, disturbing my meal!”

However, when she heard the general manager’s explanation, she exclaimed, “What?! They want to demolish the restaurant? Let them do it, and we’ll make them compensate the Pearsons for such an outrage! Who does he think he is? I want to see how he plans to pull such a stunt!”

Abigail faintly heard her talking outside.

She turned her head and glanced at the private room door before asking Eric, “Is she okay? Why would someone suddenly want to demolish the restaurant?”

Eric looked bewildered and replied, “I don’t know. You can ask her about it later.”

Josh remained silent throughout the meal and wisely didn’t bring up Abigail’s background. He acted as though he was genuinely there to have a meal.

Luna wasn’t foolish as she finally connected the dots. It seemed that Eric’s care for Abigail on the set wasn’t just because they were friends. Instead, it was because of someone with the family name Pearson…

When Lynette returned to the private room, Abigail inquired, “Who wants to demolish



This question caught Lynette off guard for a moment, but she quickly explained, “It’s nothing… Someone is just making themselves a nuisance. It’s just an annoying troublemaker.”

the noise

couldn’t help but wonder if the annoying troublemaker Lynette had mentioned was barging the door right

she was thinking about it, the door to the private room was violently shoved open


or five burly men in black suits barged

worry if Lynette had offended some dangerous

worries were assuaged when she noticed Cameron leading the way,


had been on edge, burst into

at Cameron and then at

you have sent a text or made a call? You know, like

situation, Abigail could tell that Lynette had gotten someone to block Cameron and Sean’s

Cameron for stopping her last time, which had resulted in Sean

to surprise you, but someone interfered, Sean said


had someone stop him… Who knew he would be so impolite and barge in when he

face in his hands while saying, “They wouldn’t let

this a personal vendetta? Did you deliberately block us this time because I prevented you from seeing Miss

you think I’m like you? I simply don’t like you people! What’s wrong

his gaze on

in ice-cold water, and

Graham, have you had dinner? If you haven’t, feel free to join us,” Eric

answer him but turned

of continuing to have her meal here. She had hesitated earlier due to social niceties.

saying, “Thank you for the hospitality. We’re quite tired from visiting all the tourist spots

to get some

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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