Chapter 669 well prepared Not long after Janet returned to Barnes, got a call from Brandon, asking him to return to his villa.

I knew that given that Brandon was now at Barnes, Charis I would definitely follow him here.

so you asked Johanna to monitor the movements of Charis, so that an emergency would not arise.

Charis was always close to Brandon, ᏁᏫᏉᏋlᏋᏰᏫᏫᏦ.ᏣᏫmclinging to him like a parasite.

as it was from wait, arrived at Barnes shortly after he reach.

Janet thought that Charis must be very anxious now.

Given Charis’s ruthless personality, she didn’t she would sit and watch Janet He got closer and closer to Brandon without doing anything.

Charis had visited his villa twice, but in both times he did not say much, nor did he try to sow discord between Janet and Brandon.

Janet I had a bad feeling that something big was going to happen.

Since Charis no longer resorted to cheap tricks, he was probably creating big trouble behind the scenes.

In fact, he was probably coming up with a plan to kill Janet outright.

Of course, Janet was just guessing, but I wasn’t about to let things go.

develop to the point of jeopardizing their life.

This was not the first time that Charis conspired against her, and she had realized that once Charis took action, her nefarious plan would probably involve other innocent people.

Halloween was coming up and Janet asked Brandon if he wanted to go with her to a haunted house at the amusement park for fun.

Charis found out about his plan, suddenly announced that he also wanted to take his subordinates

almost sure that Charis would

called to Johanna two

already been put in contact with

to get to the bottom of this, I

your life.”

“Don’t worry, mom.

That’s why I called.

the haunted house to ensure my safety and the care of the

how cunning she

into the

and rescue teams and place our men near the

watch your back, okay? agreement?” Johanna didn’t know what she was going to do Janet, but she believed in her

Janet was doing this not just to protect herself, but to catch

all On Halloween, not long after that Janet and Brandon will enter the house haunted, a staff member asked them

stepped forward while Brandon walked

ways, the smell of Smoke

but unexpectedly, the road behind her was

Janet didn’t panic.

understood that this

turned out that the evil woman wanted to burn her live! Janet calmly took out her phone and called the subordinates of the White family,

“A fire just started.

must still be in the

immediately took action as soon as they received

a helicopter to rescue

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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