Chapter 673 His Instinct

For a brief moment, Brandon thought I would die there. He has seen his life flash before his eyes.

Fortunately, it was nowhere near the breaking point. origin of the fire, so he had time to orient.

After looking around, he found a back door and was able to escape. threw out his arms around Janet and hugged her tight, burying his face in her hair, inhaling her scent.

When Brandon looked at her again, his eyes

They shone like stars.

“I do not know either. Anyway, the important thing you’re fine.” In fact, even his own

Brandon was unable to answer this question. By What rushed back into the fire?

the same area where there was Janet, she feared for her life. At that moment, I wasn’t thinking. It was as if his body had a mind of its own. Before I knew what was passing, I was already running in the address where he and Janet parted ways. I did not have no idea why her body was reacting that way. way. It was as if sheer instinct dictated that he had to protect

deep breath, Brandon put his arm around Janet’s shoulder and prepared

answer the telephone? I was so anxious that I almost

pocket. of his pants. There was a big hole in his screen. “My phone burned in the fire, so I didn’t even get

reached up and pinched Janet’s hand. cheek with love The latter could not help but draw lower lip like an upset

the up and down

“Are you hurt somewhere?”

ok. I ran away as soon as I saw the fire”. Still pouting,


Brandon made her blush.

mouth, Brandon let her go. Seeing that Janet was safe and sound, she finally left breathe a sigh of relief. “I thought you were close to the point of origin. How did you manage? to

I couldn’t tell Brandon that

in case of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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