When Seth heard from the bodyguard that Tasha was willing to divorce, he rushed back to Sugden from Seacisco that weekend.It had been a month since the last time they met.

Tasha was wearing a tight dress today.Her limbs were still slender, but her belly looked a little more round.

There were dark circles under her eyes, and she looked very haggard.

But Seth didn‘t give a damn about her; he just cared about the health of the baby in Tasha‘s belly.

After all, he had no feelings for the baby‘s mother.

As the eldest Lester child in his generation, he shouldered the responsibility of carrying on the family name.

Seth wouldn‘t have even gotten married if it weren‘t for this responsibility.

In his opinion, marriage was nothing but troublesome, and he would lose some of his assets if he divorced his wife—just like what was happening now.

"I’ve brought my lawyer here.If all goes well, we can draw up a divorce agreement now."

Seth sat on the sofa leisurely, looking very arrogant.

The lawyer stood behind him, with a thick wad of documents in his hand.It seemed that he had prepared for this long before they came here.

Tasha sneered with disdain.

"No problem."

"I don‘t want any shares in your company.It‘s too troublesome.I just want money.I want a third of your

Seth‘s nostrils flared.

don‘t you think? You haven‘t contributed a cent to this family, yet you want to

that big a deal to Seth, but he was currently in the middle of a fierce fight with Larson Group.He


account Seth‘s cold blooded

in, the more convinced Seth would be that she really was willing to give up

me.Won‘t it be worth it to buy your

Tasha smiled complacently.

silent, thinking it

requested for money, property,

no means a trivial amount,

she didn‘t want company shares, which made things a CVT mean


his usual smile and said simply, "As

probably pretended to want the child at first

could demand

asked dryly, "Did

as he was told and showed

read through

Then, she smiled.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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