When Ethan was taken to the police station, Janet contacted his lawyer, prompting him to come as soon as possible. 

“Sir, the Lester family is suing you.” 

As soon as he arrived at the police station, the lawyer handed the file to Ethan. ! Ethan looked through it and sneered coldly. 

“I didn‘t expect them to take action so quickly.” 

“Seth is the plaintiff. He‘s suing you on behalf of his brother under the charge of intentional injury. The hospital has provided the prognosis, which points to Ritchie‘s paralysis as a result of falling down the stairs.” The lawyer systematically handed the materials and photos to Ethan. 

Ethan didn‘t even bother to go through them and tossed all the papers on the table. In an almost leisurely tone, he simply said, “You know what to do.” 

The lawyer understood immediately. 

After gathering all the files, he bowed slightly and left to get to work In fact, a week ago, Ethan had called his lawyer to inform him that he would receive a lawsuit sometime soon, so the lawyer was already prepared for this moment. 

he had been expecting all of this. A week ago, Ethan secretly asked his subordinate, Luis, to take charge of a project and

the Larson Group was pulling some strings, the Lester Silk Fabric didn‘t receive any orders in

were in frequent contact because of this so called project and

Ritchie out for dinner. Luis was good at getting people to drink, and that was precisely what he did with Ritchie.

not go home instead?” Luis put down his glass and squinted at Ritchie curiously.

Ethan‘s coming home to see Grandma today. If I go home, all hell will break loose. The less trouble, the better.” As Ritchie rambled on drunkenly,

Luis smiled meaningfully. 

you so afraid of him? If you don‘t go back and teach him a lesson, he‘ll probably think that you‘re a coward.” The drunken Ritchie couldn‘t stand such provocation. He kicked the chair nearby furiously

stormed off angrily.

hour, Ritchie stumbled into the Lester family villa, reeking of alcohol Ethan then said those words on purpose

case against Ethan, his lawyer told him that this would be a tricky case to win. After all, there was surveillance

home because Ethan would be there. It just doesn‘t add up...” Seth‘s eyes flashed. He knew that this couldn‘t be a mere coincidence. In his eyes,

have any evidence, and the fact remains that Ritchie tried to attack Ethan first. Don‘t worry. There are still a few days before the trial. We‘ll try our best to build our case.” Seth doubted he would win, but he didn‘t want to give up so easily. However, Ethan didn‘t leave any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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