Chapter 727

Crazy And Passionate Love “Not Canon” In fact, it had been a long time since the Last time Janet and Brandon had sex.

Janet was perplexed by his proposal, since Then he felt desire run through his legs.

Very embarrassed, she answered: “Brandon… You…” Before finishing the sentence, Brandon with one of his big hands, pushed her determinedly, he took her wrists and pressed them against the sofa.

I know He positioned himself on top of her, leaving her speechless.

“I think you understand, that now the least I I want to do, is talk..” Followed by a passionate kiss, which shivered the delicate skin of Janet.

Janet could feel his thick, heavy body.

about her, it had been a long time since she felt that feeling of excitement like that.

“Oh, Brandon…” she said, barely able to breathe.

On the other hand, Brandon averted his face a bit, he clearly saw Janet’s reaction, her cheekbones flushed, her eyes narrowed, and a will to want it deeply.

couldn’t help but smile mischievously seeing her breathing so frantically.

“What a beautiful scene…” Brandon thought.

He lightly bit her neck, while with the other hand, dangerously caressing her legs and thighs.

“I…I won’t get much, Janet,” Brandon said.

He straightened up to unbutton his shirt.

Janet was extremely hot, she could see clearly in the fragile light from the window as Brandon was undressing right over her knees.

She was still under his control, however.

see Brandon’s bare chest, his muscles hard as a rock and their perfect and formed pictures on her abdomen.

couldn’t help but sit in front of him sandwiching his legs.

For later look him straight in the eye with determination.

Brandon had no idea what she was up to.

thinking, but her imposing look made him crazy, he wanted to do something but Janet acted first; I kiss and mine her abdomen, over and over again without leaving to see Brandon.

Of course Brandon She was shaken by that simple act.It was the first time I felt something like this, it was the first time in his memory that he made love and luckily with the woman he loved.

I don’t know controlled.

He got up from the sofa hastily, Janet laughed mockingly, for he thought Brandon felt intimidated.

Immediately his laughter turned to a subtle cry “B-brandon..” Again Brandon kissed her before that I could say anything.

He had lifted her from the sofa with force, positioning her in front of him, Janet by inertia, circled her arms around his neck and wrap her legs around your lower back.

Brandon nibbled on her neck, while holding Janet’s thighs and back, pressing down her body, right now Janeth, looked like a chain hung to its owner.

A great thing about sticking out of pants Brandon, she could feel it, rubbing between her entrance, moaned again and again, fortunately Brandon still had his pants on.

So that enchanted felt the tension that rigged the body of Janet.

“This is something that is done in bed..” He pronounced Brandon in a seductive voice.

what caused Janet bit her lower lip.

Brandon took Janet to his room, while kissed and left hickeys on her neck and clavicle.

Janet by her side, moaned and fluttered the Brandon’s hair.

She kept moving over and over, which made her breasts be at the height of the Brandon’s lips.

This of course, freaked out Brandon, when he was in front of his room, kicked with force the door, rocked Janet so as not to hurt her for his action.

I lay Janet lightly on the bed, just to push her slightly and destroy her dress, luckily he didn’t have a bra what he only encumbrance would be his undergarment.

I’ll get rid of that later… Brandon thought.

before a playful smile appeared on his lips.Janet was so excited, she let Brandon see her almost naked body, forgetting for complete that it was Brandon’s first time in his regards.

that night and on that moment, it would be the first experience of

the image in front

beautiful skin exposure of the moon’s

angel he was about

that Brandon kept looking at her, she hurriedly sat down on the edge of the bed, and with a innocent look by way of signs, he asked Brandon

he understood at

on top of

ran his fingers under Janet’s hair, while massaging her breasts naked and


ears, in a

caressed her abdomen, her navel, descending dangerously towards the

as her body I felt that the

I-I can’t take

pleading in his ear.

neither..” He replied after giving her a light bite on her nipple, which caused her to Janet will scream in

on top of her bottoms, but she He stopped when he


didn’t save

and in one movement took it

was totally

just for that Janet shuddered,

it anymore, he ventured and lowered her lips to

finger inside her

Janet burned with passion.


pulled Brandon’s hair,

stop watch her

up to her abdomen and ran all over the way to her

his finger inside of

her to

pulled it out, and pinched his thighs with

take it anymore, she was at

pushed Brandon aside,

stunned, he looked with

the woman above, her hair was messy, her naked body and that way of as he had

woman… impresses me» Brandon

I watched as Janet

to punish him, so she planned


on top of his member, he moved slowly, made

felt an electric

her breasts

one in each breast.

“Oh…Janet.” Brandon groaned.

not measure force so she pressed her breasts tighter on

hurt at all, she only

leaned in to kiss Brandon, only to notice that he had wet with


and his fierce grip, to lick his chest, and lower with your tongue to your

said noticing


responded with a light


clothing from Brandon, now they were

wasted no time, positioning herself in front of her erect and throbbing member, took with one hand his firm member and played with

is the sorry one

around his member, his hair brushed the tip of it, so Brandon he moaned over and

member on Brandon


God, Janet..

mouth the Bandon member, I suck it over and over

to flinch even more and was about to

so many moans and sudden attacks electrical, Janet

hair back, he

Janet moaned without disdain.

over and over, this time they were naked and Brandon knew it, he still

looking at her, his eyes prostrated

take it anymore… I’ll make you mine, Janet,”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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