The sound of Crashing waves drowned everything else.

The woman curled up in the reef cave opened her eyes to the sight of ships out in the sea.She had no intention to call for help, though her eyes were bright and alert.It had been six days since Janet was trapped in this place.

In all that time, several ships had passed by and gone.

There was even one instance when a ship had thrown anchor near the cave, The men had alighted and traversed the reef, shouting her name as they went.

"Is anybody here? We are the search and rescue team sent by the White family! If you can hear us, please respond or make some noise!"

They bellowed the same words over and over.

But their voices only scared Janet, so much so that she squeezed deeper into the cave.She never made a sound.

After all, she couldn't be certain whether these so-called rescuers were friend or foe.

What she did know for sure was that someone wanted to kill her.

Janet didn't want to risk running into her enemies, so she thought it would be best to keep silent and hidden.

If things turned out the same as last time, she may not be as lucky as to escape again.


got no answer, they

there is an island just up ahead.Let's go over there

its horn, the ship lifted its anchor and sailed

it all happen from her dark

begin to guess who all those men worked for.She was careful not to make a peep, afraid that the slightest sound

the end, the ships eventually stopped coming to

then did Janet realize that

dry as a parchment.She

dying.Her vision blurred, and a choked sob came out of her mouth.She thought she no longer had tears to shed, but two

the important people in her life appeared in

one would recall their most treasured

curled into

of one thing—that

a number of small fishing boasts set out to the sea to

beach, people walked around to enjoy the

with a basket on her back.She often scavenged for shells near the reef, and when she grew

Today was different, however.

cave, she saw that someone was

first, but as she approached, she realized that a young woman was lying unconscious among the

of her wits, she ran

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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