Chapter 696 Marrying into the Harding family

Laney knew that Garrett had just sacrificed something valuable for your relationship.I couldn’t let him down.

At that moment, Laney made the decision to be the best wife after marriage.

"I promise you that I will be a good wife and make you you and your parents feel proud" Laney swore in a hoarse voice.

Garrett was amused by his words laughed between teeth and then kissed her forehead fondly.

"Just be yourself, Laney.Don’t change for me, okay? agreement?"

Laney was not an ignorant girl she knew that marrying into a rich family would not be easy.

Also, could tell that Vera had high standards for her daughter-in-law.


Now that he had his parents’ approval, Garrett began to prepare for the wedding.

had one simple

of the wedding Garrett also warned all mainstream media,

even Garrett couldn’t help the news that he, the only son and heir to the Harding

day, the news was trending

what it was like

the guests they talked about it especially all the women who

was one of the most bachelors listed from

they liked Janet had experienced a similar situation

it’s. Everyone is jealous.After all, in his eyes, you have

helping to smooth out the wrinkles in her dress

smiled, feeling a

Do not sit down as the

I’m more worried about what the life after

life and she never let anyone tie her down.What if he

woman gentle.I

tried to console

the truth, I had never met

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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