Janet was busy every day at work and seldom had time for herself.Time seemed to pass in the blink of an eye because she was consumed with work.

"What a coincidence! How about we go back together?" Christopher stopped Janet in front of the elevator.

Ever since Janet joined the Larson Group, the two had been coincidentally meeting every day after work.

Sometimes, Janet would meet Christopher even if she worked overtime.

"Chris, how come we meet every day after work?" Janet asked, smiling.

Her biggest problem was not knowing to say no to people.

Just then, her phone blared in her bag.She took it and saw Ethan’s name flashing on the screen.

Therefore, she quickly answered the call.

"What’s up?"

"I found a house.I’m in the cafe opposite your company.Let’s go and see the house together."

Ethan’s words were brief and concise.

She didn’t expect him to act fast.

Janet put away her phone and looked at Christopher apologetically.

"I’m sorry, Chris.I have important work to do.I have to go now."

"Okay, go ahead."

hear what the person on the other end of the line had

from the smile on her face, Christopher

the Larson Group, he saw Janet and a tall man

was holding Janet’s

Christopher felt

house Ethan had mentioned earlier was near


the house seemed to

tasteful decoration was an

house has excellent lighting and is close to my company.It’s only ten

as she walked around

vanished from her face

an eyebrow

every way.The rent must be at least a

looked at Janet’s flustered face and

as soon as possible for personal

the realtor and pulled

possible? Is he a

don’t believe me, you can ask the realtor." Ethan looked at the

of the house is desperate to rent out the house, so he is willing to

realtor wiped the sweat on

a realtor but was pretending to be one under

If he made any

mind if we looked

sounded polite, she had become

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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