Chapter 813 Queasy In The Stomach

Vera didn't look well. She set down her teacup on the table with a bit of force.

The sound of it hitting the saucer was very clear.

Laney moved about cautiously. She racked her brains, but she couldn't figure out what had happened that made Vera upset

“Let me get you some more tea," Laney offered. She bent to take the teapot off the table and started to walk towards Vera.

"No, thanks." Vera put the teacup aside and asked, "What's wrong with you today? How many times do I have to tell you that a daughter-in-law of the

Harding family shouldn't be a stumbling block to Garrett's career? How can I trust you with the Harding family's children in the future? Do you want your kids to be as clingy to their father as you are now?”

Laney’s hands trembled as she held the teapot. Vera was looking harshly at her.

Laney lowered her head and apologized as she typically did at times, such as this one.

Kelly, who had been standing to the side the entire time, chuckled quietly to herself as she watched Vera’s outburst. Her plan had worked. She also felt relieved when she saw Laney's timid reaction.

for almost four months. And you haven't changed at all! I've been trying hard to educate you for months, but all seem to be in vain.” Vera was so angry that she

Laney replied in a weak voice. "I promise I

rapidly. In addition, Kelly's strong perfume made

home and faced her mother-in-law. Pursing her lips, she decided to try it. Gritting her teeth, she cried out, "Oh,

her knees on the carpet with her

the floor. She got up from the couch and asked Laney,

at a servant who happened to be in the room with

well. She hastened forward to assist

Laney’s side. "What happened?” There was

were fine

said, "I was already famished after listening to your lecture this afternoon. But Kelly kept on telling me to go back, even though I was telling her that

held her stomach

actually feeling a little

lips turning pale. "Don't say anything,”

pull up Laney so she

still in the early stage of her pregnancy. How dare you not let her eat when she was hungry?!"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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