Chapter 830 Dance With Her

Several minutes had passed while Brandon stood there before Janet finally noticed him.He gently touched her face and murmured, "Scary cat."

Janet's gorgeous eyes blinked as she considered what Vera had just said.

"Is it your impression, too, Brandon, that I am overly possessive? Mrs.Harding just taught Laney a lesson.She warned that a woman's clinginess to her husband could be detrimental to his professional success."

Janet responded somberly, propping her chin with one hand, "What Mrs.Harding said makes perfect sense.I was thinking that maybe I should extend my business trip so that you can have the extended time to yourself."

Brandon was at a loss for words.

This really put him on pins and needles! Looking at his face, Brandon was bent out of shape over this topic.

"I wish I could cover your ears and tell you not to listen to such nonsense."

He pulled out a seat and sat down beside Janet.He put his hand on her wrist and said, "Even if my mother is still alive, she'll probably just let you watch out for me.Therefore, a lengthy business trip is out of the question."

Simultaneously, Janet lifted her eyebrows and regarded Brandon, thinking that he was rather adorable.

Why did he constantly treat such little things with such seriousness? Just like a child?


Janet broke out in a wide grin.

As he considered what Vera had said, Brandon's unease persisted.

The entire mess was Garrett's doing.

between his mother and wife, why would Brandon also have to suffer? Brandon's expression soured.He reached

here to show their love to others,

so he could help out with

was imperative to him that his family shouldn't have

looking resentfully at his phone, she had no

are you

inquired inquisitively and desired to


phone and stared into her lovely

leaned and kissed her

ended, the lights in the banquet hall went

the saxophone and piano played a mellow, evocative

Janet in

"Let's dance!"

shook her head and said, "No, I'll make

as he took her hand and led her into

your hand here,

told Janet, "Follow my steps," after he placed her hand on his

followed Brandon's lead.She moved clumsily

to mine.You may discover your own

she may inadvertently step on Brandon at

she plodded along

Brandon's face, and the scene took on a

to the one

the dance, with its soft lighting, swooping music, and passionate movements, seemed

to when she fell head over heels in love with

Brandon, apparently with a blank

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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