The Supreme God

Chapter 5234 Restless

"Hold on! These runes look familiar! They were condensed by the laws of darkness, which means they came from the darkness race! They are the ones interfering with my cultivation,"

Austin muttered. After more observation, he discovered that all the black runes that were coming towards him had been condensed by the law of darkness.

'The only creatures that could disturb me from so far away are the wizards from the darkness race.'

Austin's face darkened as he came to the realization.

The wizards from the darkness race were weak fighters, but they were proficient in other secret techniques.

Deep in Austin's gut, he knew that those wizards were most likely the ones who were messing with his breakthrough.

'The darkness race gets on my nerves!

When they said that they wouldn't stop chasing me until they caught me, they weren't kidding.

They must have found out that I'm trying to break through and become a god of chaos, and now, they're trying to stop me from doing it, '

Austin thought, narrowing his eyes.

Two times now, the three Lords of Darkness had personally come to deal with Austin.

'Damn it!

I hate them! They will try everything they can to stop me. Those wizards will not be alone.

I bet that the three Lords of Darkness will come here to try and deal with me again.

The wizards from the darkness race have powerful deduction abilities. They must already know where I am.

Maybe the three Lords of Darkness are on their way now to attack me.

I have to let my master and the others know about this. They have to prepare themselves for a fight. Otherwise, the three Lords of Darkness will come and things will get out of control!'

As fast as he could, Austin sent a message to the White Emperor, John, and the third Lord of Reincarnation who were all standing and waiting outside of the small world.

"Oh no!

Austin, is it true? The wizards from the darkness race are trying to mess with your breakthrough?!"

of Reincarnation, the White Emperor, and John received the message from Austin, they were shocked and tried to make sure they weren't imagining it.


see black runes that are condensed by

difficult for me to calm down and concentrate

race are using a very powerful secret skill on me,"

Austin replied.

might also know that Austin's current strength and talent will make him more powerful if he breaks through. Then, he will become a

John pointed out.

right. That must be what happened,"

agreed, nodding

Darkness and the four senior leaders from the Time Chamber

third Lord of Reincarnation

will inform Forest and Randall and ask them to come here

aren't strong enough to deal with the three Lords of Darkness and the four senior leaders from the Time Chamber Sect

Lord of

the members of our race

John offered.

feeling of urgency rose around them, they sent

could try, but they would likely fail at defeating the three Lords

the three Lords of Darkness and the four senior leaders from the Time Chamber Sect were sneaking through the Absolute Space Sea at a fast speed. Their bodies were

so close to

Lord of Darkness said in

alerting Austin to our presence. Once we confirm his exact location, we'll run at him

Lord of

The others nodded.

was busy trying

by brilliant laws of darkness. From super far away, they can

the black runes that were continuously flying in

to calm myself down, or I will fail to break through,

decided, nodding his head firmly.

to resist the black runes that were closest to him.

set up hundreds of worlds of mind power and arranged them to shield his

worlds of mind power could attack the enemy and

thousand arrays. He wanted to protect himself as much as he

long distances. He also assumed that ordinary arrays did not have any effect on them. But Austin's array technique was different than the others. Each array he set up was very powerful. With over one thousand arrays in total, he could hold back the black runes long enough to think of

protection of so many worlds of mind power and arrays, Austin felt the interference of the black

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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