The Supreme God

Chapter 13 The Fifth-grade Martial Art Skill (Part One)

Austin returned to his own hovel.

As soon as he could breathe peacefully again, the first thing he did was to sit down on his feet and start his vital energy to heal his wounds and recover his strength.

Although he was not hurt badly during the fight against Rafat Sun tonight, but there were still minor wounds all over his body which caused irritation every time he moved.

The ones he had sustained on his belly however, were a bit severe. Fortunately for him, he had moved back just in time or his guts would have been pulled out mercilessly.

He had also collided with Rafat using his vital energy face to face and this had consumed most of it. His arms were still swollen from the effort.

To be very honest, he had managed to live today by mere luck. Rafat had been badly hurt and was afraid to go all out against him. If he hadn't held back today, the result of the fight would have been too horrible to imagine—not that there would be anything left of Austin to imagine with.

'I was too impulsive in my fights today. I should be more careful in the future.' Austin told himself.

Austin kept on meditating whilst sitting on his feet on the bed. Soon he was completely indulged in the movement of his vital energy and was lost to the world.

The energy flow in the air seemed to be controlled now. Following the path of the Purple Yang formula, the flow was now directed towards Austin and moving into his body with every breath he took. It would have been a magnificent sight if anyone was there to witness it.

The entire night passed in his cultivation.

He sat still for hours and hours and the next day, he suddenly opened his eyes and woke up from the meditation. His eyes looked bright and sharp now.

The sun had already risen high in the sky and the strong and hot sunlight was seeping inside the room through the cracks of the hovel. Despite the uncomfortable ambiance, it was very bright inside.

didn't feel tired. On the contrary,

denser than

any bad influence on his cultivation skills. On the

of his previous cultivation experience

warrior was supposed to go outside and experience difficulties. This was

about something for a long time, one's energy flow also got

in mind, Austin decided to go to the surrounding area of the Grand

had been an outer disciple, he had met his first bottleneck when he was trying to break through the

he had come back, he was finally able to break through the bottleneck and up into the ninth level of the Energy Gathering

before in the Grand Desolation Mountain, Austin felt excited and

something unimportant to do right now. Before going to the Grand Desolation Mountain, he had to recover

only the outer disciples were allowed any opportunities

started to move his body by practicing some common movements--he rubbed his head, waved his arms and legs, shrugged his shoulders, and bent down. He was feeling so energetic right now that it was hard

stared at the ring around his middle finger, stroking it

of the biggest prizes he had got last night, a space ring.

a space ring even if it was empty.

the ring and he could

high level could be attached

attach his own signature to it, the spiritual sign

night was not of such a

even if it had been so powerful, only a person who was in the Mysterious Realm or above possessed a unique spiritual

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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