The Supreme God

Chapter 243 Peculiar Cloud Mansion

Present in the garden were five artists of Mysterious Realm known for their great expertise. They were fighting with great intensity and vigor.

The colossal horn on the head of the three-eyed scarlet bull had the potential of great havoc and great destruction. Added to that was the eye in the middle. It opened once in a while to scatter an emission of light that they found hard to ignore.

Furthermore, the radiant black fur of the giant creature was tremendously strong and hard. It was almost impossible to puncture. Even though the Steward shattered the herbal pot on the animal with immense might for a number of times it did not affect the bull. It simply took a few steps back and came back with new vigor as if nothing happened.

This is the reason why diabolic beasts like this one were generally stronger than mere human beings when they belonged to the same level. Diabolic beasts are much stronger and firm than humans because their bodies are not so vulnerable. Such beasts could easily shirk of blows often deadly for humans.

Normally when a human got hurt fighting such an indomitable creature of such high level chances are he would sustain serious injuries. In worse cases the man could succumb to death.

Surprisingly, even after deathly attacks a diabolic beast may still stand straight and strong ready to face more.

Evidently it was not a cakewalk for the three martial arts from the Medicine Sect who wanted to massacre these two invincible beasts in limited period of time.

On the other hand the beast would have a tough time killing these three master martial artists.

The main reason was because of the same cultivation base. Whilst the three martial artists had comparatively weaker bodies compared to the ungodly beasts they were proficient in the techniques of martial arts. Skillfully these three cultivators kept on performing versatile and esoteric movements in order to make it difficult for the creature to fight back.

Besides, the three martial artists of Mysterious Realm consumed many pills that helped them to restore their vitality rapidly during such encounters.

Previously about forty to fifty disciples of the Medicine Sect were severely injured and even suffered some casualties after the rounds of the encounters with such diabolic creatures. The lucky ones who managed to get out alive were forced to go to the Front Hall. It was absolutely difficult for them to go any further.

Therefore, as per the situation only Austin and Violet were left to search for the treasure.

large manor. But from the look of it they could

Great Sage

Violet, "Violet, I think we

inside the mansion he realized that this was indeed the place where Great Sage Cloud lived. The interior was not very ornamental yet

was an immensely powerful individual he was not attached to the worldly pleasures. The inside of the mansion represented a cozy little home one would like to spend a quiet evening

inspecting the

window of the study

other side was a bookshelf with a scanty collection of books of about a dozen. There were also a few jade

The book was titled: "A Book of the Continent". Though it was not about martial arts,

Space Ring so that he would be able to go through it

towards it. He selected a book to read and found the title captivating: To Pick Shells

elixirs and he even owned his sparkle of flame. This knowledge made him basically capable of

out the book was about making elixirs. After fishing through a few pages, he was delighted about

up Shells among Elixirs"

was obviously important

making elixirs. It listed the amount of each herb that was to be used and which part was to be used for the purpose.

was evident that every recipe was generated

of the refinement of elixirs. It dealt

of recipes of normal elixirs.

only thing that bothered Austin and this was why he was distressed with the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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