The Supreme God

Chapter 164 Time For High Profile

In the courtyard, five disciples were drinking and playing a game of "guess-finger". When they saw Austin enter the yard, they all stood up, stupefied, and stared at him with their mouths agape.

With a plethora of thoughts surging through their minds, they whispered anxiously among themselves.

"But I heard he was stuck in the outer range of Grand Desolation Mountains and wouldn't come back."

"What should we do now?" ...... ......

The outer disciples quietly exchanged ideas, careful not to raise their voices. Their palms were sweaty and their eyes were averted.

One of them was slinking toward the gates, prepared to slip away the moment he saw an opportunity.

However, the outer disciples didn't know that Austin had a strong spiritual sense with which he could observe everything within a four-hundred-meter radius. From the very beginning, Austin was aware of everything they did and said, and their concealment meant nothing to him.

Austin looked at the disciples in front of him in displeasure. Anxiety grew in his heart when he thought of Evan, who was nowhere to be seen. If these outer disciples dared to misuse his sacred compound like this, they would certainly have dared to do something to Evan, too.

"If I remember correctly, this compound is mine. I rented it. Will someone please explain to me what all this is about?" Austin asked.

The expression on his face was cold as ice and his tone was even colder. The vital energy force in his body was surging and billowing with rage.

His strong spiritual power swept the yard, exerting great pressure on everyone there. The disciples facing him found it hard to breathe.

Numerous strands of vital energy grew concentrated in Austin's hands, ready to charge an attack.

Finding out that his courtyard was occupied and that his friend was missing had lit a spark of anger in Austin's heart.

He was in an uncontrolled state of destructive madness.

And once someone drove him to this state, he wouldn't spare them until he got his revenge.

The five outer disciples were merely at the sixth level of the Energy Gathering Realm. They weren't able to stay calm and composed in front of Austin's overwhelming demeanor. In the face of his rising anger, they began trembling in fear.

guess none of you is going to open your mouth? You, then! Yes, you! Tell me what's going on

hand and pointed to one of the

was already terrified. His teeth

he yelled in horror, "It - it's none

turned around and ran, wanting to get away from the scene as

snorted, a Spiritual Sense Flying

blade was being twisted in his brain. His feet

flash by and chop off his right arm. The

thrown back into the yard like

cleared. He recovered and immediately felt a sharp pain. He glanced beside him and saw that his right arm had been severed from his body

arm! You cut off

limb, only to find his right sleeve empty. He reached out with the limb that he still

frosty, as if he hadn't heard the

it out and get his revenge even if it meant overturning the whole

went, "If you make yourself an ass, don't be surprised to be ridden." Ever since Austin had woken up in this body, he had tried to keep a low profile and avoid offending others. But these people just didn't know when to stop. He had gone out for a while and his rented compound was already

Would someone slip in while he was sleeping and cut his throat?

Sun Sect, no other disciple even dared to raise his voice to him. All of them behaved extremely deferential before him and were careful not

is the best self-introduction." It was now time for Austin to

much to figure out who the culprits behind this incident were. There were only two people who could be behind this—one was Marvin, and the

captured by the Soul Collection Array and imprisoned by the Ghost Sect. Later, they had been rescued by

they were pouring their anger on the courtyard he had rented

forgave them again, they would keep trying to lay

until the matter is made clear. Otherwise, what happened

indifferent. But beneath the

yes, we are to blame for this mess in your yard. But how can you hurt your fellow disciples in

one of the disciples in a shaky vice after he

hardly finished his words when Austin stood in front of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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