The Supreme God

Chapter 230 Medicine Sect

Confusion filled Austin upon hearing Violet. Thus, he shot her a questioning glance.

"Master, have you ever wondered why a demonic beast like me roamed on the land where humans gather? Why do you think I was at the place where you caught me? Shouldn't I be in the mountains where demonic beasts belong?"

"I haven't actually thought about those things, Violet. Can you tell me why?"

responded Austin in a serious tone.

"I'm here because I'm looking for the powerful crystal."

"Powerful crystal? What is that?"

"Powerful crystals are very rare and precious natural resource. It contains a tremendous power which is even more valuable than human life or any diabolic beast.

Even we, nine-tailed demon foxes find it very important. My power will definitely advance at least ten times faster if I can get one of those powerful crystals.

I had been staying in the Grand Desolation Mountain before. Then I heard from other diabolic beasts that there are powerful crystals deeply hidden inside a place called Cloud Cave. Hence, I decided to come where the humans are and secretly look for the cave. It was when I met you, Master."

Nodding his head casually, Austin finally understood Violet's reason. Thus, he asked, "So you have been looking for the power crystals?"

"Yes. But I have been searching for five years now and still found nothing. For once, I thought the story wasn't true. I was already planning to go back to the Grand Desolation Mountain when I encountered you, Master.

I have to get the powerful crystals this time, Master. It's the only thing I ever want all these years.

Moreover, you have already obtained your spiritual sense. Your spiritual sense will definitely multiply if you have some powerful crystals too.

In addition, it is said that there are other kinds of treasures hidden in the Cloud Cave aside from the powerful crystals. Now I'm wondering if you are interested in taking those crystals too or not."

was undeniable how Violet had helped him many times since he became her

It seemed that

only always been concerned about my strength alone and ignoring hers. It seems

her cultivation base to another level, she will

will surely increase too if I could get some

had decided to join Violet's quest in finding these powerful crystals during the next ten

upon hearing Austin agree. She was smiling

two martial artists of Medicine Sect left

spiritual sense could cover four hundred meters in diameter. Thus, it was very easy

and headed northwest right


their quest to find the Cloud Cave after they went into Violet Orchid Empire. They did this to avoid being noticed. It was

nights. They only ate when they were hungry and drank when they were

found themselves standing

lifted that they paced

sense that the Cloud Cave was probably just nearby.

had come to the end of the jungle. Standing before him now was a steep peak surrounded by broad open


as he thought, 'No wonder that the two guys from the Medicine Sect guessed that I'm one of them. It turned out that the black long gown was actually a symbol

after Violet came

and settled on a higher branch discreetly. Then they

they heard and saw in their

sky, speeding towards the open land in the speed of lightning. Two of them were

these three men were flying over the woods surprised both

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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