The Supreme God

Chapter 346 Level Six Blade Intent (Part One)

Someone moved swiftly like lightning on the mountainous road that led to the imperial capital city.

That person was Austin.

It had been a day since he parted ways with the two young ladies who traveled along the main road.

The young warrior chose to walk down the narrow country road. He and the ladies were headed towards the same destination but were on different paths that did not overlap.

To determine his progress, Austin consulted someone and learned that at that point, he was neither near nor far from the imperial capital city.

If he walked at his regular pace, it would take ten days to reach the imperial capital city.

But the young fighter was not in a hurry to reach the city. Besides, the long journey gave him the opportunity to cultivate his Wind-commanding Skill.

Previously, Austin spent dozens of days solely to understand this skill. Now, he was able to stride forward and reach a distance of 100 meters. In battles, a walking speed at this rate gave Austin a considerable advantage.

Still, this walking speed was far below the maximum speed that one could realize by cultivating the Wind-commanding Skill. Deep inside, it was clear to Austin that it was possible for him to reach 200 or even 300 meters with one stride as long as he mastered the last two steps of this skill.

On this mountainous road, nothing but a person galloping like a steed was seen moving. He was walking so fast that it seemed as if he was flying. As Austin practiced, the only things left in his wake were swirls of dust and intermittent shadows.

Many times, some countryside villagers suddenly felt a figure flashing past them while they walked the fields. That blur of movement often had them thinking there was something wrong with their vision.

But by the time they finished rubbing their eyes to check if they were hallucinating, the vision had already disappeared.

of the villagers were frightened by this because they thought a ghost

Austin discovered that he was able to move a little faster. Now, he could

opportunity for me to practice the Wind-commanding Skill as I

of the Wind-commanding Skill, he suddenly felt something

was an uncomfortable

was like a sharp blade resting firmly on


were ice cold and gleamed with a different blade intent.

very astute. And chilly. Tyranny flashed in them. And cruelty was palpable. The

young man wrapped in

as if he had become

is this guy? Hmmm. He seems to have spotted me. Oh, no! I think he's been

of the Blood Wolf

kept trying to guess

is mightier than Harry, whom I met in that village several days ago," Austin mumbled

he would probably flinch was if he encountered a cultivator who had reached the Mysterious Realm. Also, there were still eight generals inside the corpse-raising bag, which was hung around his

it can be told that these corpse generals

not annoy him if he dispatched these eight corpse generals to fight for him at the

when he saw that man. Instead, he

guy dressed in black materialized before Austin, and stared at him

eyes that made everything around them fall silent. In the middle of the vast and empty land, the man drew his knife and wielded it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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