The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2330

Chapter 2330

The brushwork was run–of–the–mill, but the painting was vividly brought to life, giving people an ambient feeling which made the people realize that this first–in–command of Las Vegas, Paul Mendoza was quite ambitious.

To put it simply, people who weren‘t that ambitious could never draw such a painting.

This was because this overbearing aura naturally exuded from deep within him.

the time the last stroke of the brush was about to be made.

However, just as he was about to complete the painting, Paul glanced at Harvey York‘s figure.

Nonetheless, this glance made Paul slightly


His ambitious heart seemed to be affected by Harvey‘s aura at the moment. When he wanted to draw the last brush–stroke, he realized that he couldn‘t finish it no matter what.

Paul slightly frowned. Pop. The brush was broken in half after some time. He then turned

and looked at Harvey.

Harvey, Paul extended his right hand.

Mendoza and Edwin Mendoza, trailing


saw their old man being so polite toward


moment. He

while meeting him

Apart from

Paul slightly and then

his name is common,

showed an expression of

when Yoana told me about you, she mentioned that you were Edwin‘s bad mate and even said you wanted

something ridiculous. So, I did a little background check on you for the

some of your achievements

wouldn‘t accept the invitation sent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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