The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2675

Chapter 2675

The young woman rolled on the ground before bumping into Katy Cobb.

After seeing her own trusted subordinate kicked down to the ground, Katy could not help but reach her hand out because of her kind heart.

The moment she reached out, she could feel a sense of danger because of her experience in the underworld.

She instinctively backed off, but she was still a little late.

The woman kicked forward. Her foot coincidentally landed on Katy‘s wrist.

The firearm slipped out of Katy‘s hand after feeling a jolt of pain.

Before Katy could even get angry, the woman landed another kick on her waist, sending her flying in an instant.

Kim Moreno chuckled coldly before taking one of the bodyguards‘ firearms and pointing it toward Katy‘s head.

The tables have turned.

Katy‘s body was numb. She could not even stand back up, even if she wanted to.

She gritted her teeth and glared at Kim, who was showing a warm smile.

“You‘re shameless, Kim!”

to her, she coldly exclaimed, “I treated you as my

shameless, nor is

after seeing

pawn to watch

about the people of my family and the fact that Dean Cobb‘s

about the Nanyang Gang, I can‘t just let you

at you! You could‘ve just played your part and acquired Dean‘s secrets and

off of you, we can still pretend

to be persistent! You even got yourself a conman trying to save Dean! I can‘ t believe he

think I can just sit

at Dean, who was unconscious at

for ten whole years, but he never showed me his secrets! Not

that he‘s about to die,

would you try

against me just



was boiling with

you‘re the one who poisoned my


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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