The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2677

Chapter 2677


Along with the snap of Kim Moreno’s fingers, a dozen bodyguards from the Moreno family came forward in an instant.


Those people were not from the Dark Island. They were all people of Nanyang. All of them were carrying a weapon and also a long knife in hand while coldly glaring at Harvey York.

They completely surrounded Harvey in all directions without the intention to take any action just yet. They were only taking small steps circling him.

Harvey frowned. He could not figure out what Kim was trying to do.

Kim coldly chuckled.

“This guy’s pretty good at fighting! Keep an eye

on him!

“If he moves, kill Katy Cobb!

“These two bastards must have an affair!”

Harvey slightly changed his expressions after

hearing those words.

If Kim were to kill Katy, everything Harvey had done would have been for nothing.

was about to save Katy, he saw Kim completely

toward Dean Cobb.

Katy’s expression changed slightly.

you planning

“What do you think?”

Kim coldly chuckled.

teacher from his suffering, of

sorry state, making a God of War like him end up


him his way myself!

look when she spoke, as if she was

darkened after

completely removed the Ice Poison from Elder Cobb’s

back at his peak and become a

War once again.

easy for him

least another ten years!

why you should stop messing

“Messing around, you say?!”

chuckled before she



solve all the world’s problems, then I’m the king

of her firearm as she stepped forward.


do you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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