The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2693

Chapter 2693

After hearing Scarlett‘s furious screams, the female companions started glaring disdainfully at Harvey.

They didn‘t think there would be a man as shameless as him! This was just embarrassing!

All the men from Country H must‘ve been embarrassed by him!

Truly a shameful sight!

“No more dodging?”

Harvey chuckled.

“You‘re such a busybody, aren‘t you?”

“But since you‘re that much of an idiot, I‘ll stop dodging for your sake.”

Just then, Harvey released all of his fierce aura.

Terrifying waves surged right toward Miyata.

Miyata, whose face was ugly, became stunned.

Harvey‘s change of aura, Scarlett couldn‘t say another word. Her eyes shrunk in


a calm look on his

speed alone was enough

swung his palm, he appeared right

when he realized he didn‘t even have time to dodge. He could only tilt his longsword to try


filled with

tell what exactly

hear someone gnashing his

some time, they finally saw Miyata successfully

ground like spider webs.

be seen on Miyata‘s longsword, before it immediately

right after, and his limbs were crushed. A bright red palm print could

body trembled, and then he knelt on one leg, a horrible look


shatter Miyata‘s pride, he was completely defeated

crossed his arms calmly, wielding an aura that seemed like it could crush

coldly at Harvey, clenching

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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