The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2699

Chapter 2699

“Code of honor?”

“Be merciful toward the avengers?!”

“You people actually have rules like these


Harvey flashed them a disdainful look.

“You think you‘re standing on the moral high ground just because you yap about this rubbish every single day?!”

“Besides, their relationship is none of my damn business.“.

“Nobody gets away from me!”

“I‘ll destroy whoever comes at me, but not their families. They‘ll all have a chance to turn a new leaf if they want to.”

Harvey glanced at Daito before releasing the full

might of his powerful aura.

Daito‘s expression changed frantically before he quickly brandished his longsword in a defensive motion. Clearly, he was terrified of Harvey‘s power.

At this very moment, Harvey stomped his right leg. The broken blades flew again.

Shwing, shwing, shwing!

along with other places. The remaining

never expected Harvey to take

the last bit of hate in his eyes,

“Damn you...”

the ground without moving an inch. Only resentment was

both horrified

Daito‘s face was thunderous.

“Harvey!” he howled.

kill off

too, was boiling with

kept escalating the situation further, since he wouldn‘t bother to discipline

to inform the Island Nations of

fool, she would

Harvey only won

tactics against

Yet, what actually happened?

without even a scratch on

off an important guest from the Shinkage

He deserved death!


intact, and stop the Islanders from dragging your family down with

me to walk down

just let

“Go to hell!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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