The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2766

Chapter 2766


The moment Harvey flung the cup, the beautiful waitress instinctively dodged to the side.

Her face was ice. She knew she had been exposed.

She waved her hand without any hesitation. Right after that, a flurry of silver needles flew toward Harvey.

Harvey grabbed a napkin and flung it with calm ease, catching every single needle.

Sensing an opportunity, the waitress ducked and revealed a thin blade in her hand.

She made her way toward Selena, aiming her blade right at Selena’s neck.

Bang, bang, bang!

But the moment the blade was raised, the seemingly powerless Selena pulled out a hidden firearm.

She immediately pulled the trigger, unloading all six bullets into the waitress’ body without so much as a flinch. Her face remained stoic all the


to the

such a weak-looking woman would possess

family, friends,

room, Selena wiped her fingers with a napkin. The same composed look

them all! I

to know who she talked to, and the people who gave

like someone wants me dead half a year ago. She’s

for almost that long.”

all rushed outside. All of Hong Kong and Las Vegas was about

all cleaned up soon after. A faint fragrance could be smelled in the air

with his own two eyes, he wouldn’t even know that there was an assassination attempt only moments



actions had completely exceeded

sip of his brand new cup of Black


Judd, who do you think would try to

even got such an important


pretty sure that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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