The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2811

Chapter 2811

At the cruise terminal of the Victoria Harbor, a pitch-black cruise slowly stopped ashore.

A few G-Wagons could be seen parked in a s straight line. Soon after, several people clad in traditional clothing stepped out of the cars.

All of them wore warm smiles.

Vince was there among them. There was a faint smile on his lips as he squinted at the person coming out of the Dragon Cell’s untraceable prison.

The man in question had simple clothing, but his hands were still covered in bandages and casts. He was none other than Julian.

No matter how much Vince wanted Julian dead, he still showed a warm smile as he greeted the latter along with Quinton, Matthew, and the

rest. When they saw Julian, they put on looks of enthusiasm and sympathy.

“Oh, Julian! Our brothers and sisters pleaded guilty so you can be released!”

“Remember to treat everyone for a meal as thanks!”

“Young Lord York.”

quickly approached Vince before dropping

outside the prison, but he knew that he was fortunate enough to be

the leader of the Sentries of York. This meant that he was still working as

Vince, Julian turned

Mathew, Quinton, and

a certain degree of respect to Vince, there was no need for him

You had to spend

patted Julian firmly on

get them back for

dignity you

outsider from Country H. When I’m done with my duties, I’ll

eyes went cold. He didn’t hate Marcel he didn’t


was his


the past few days, he realized that if it weren’t for Harvey

sailing for him. He wouldn’t be thrown into prison and forced to rot there for a good

and then replied calmly,” Thank

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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