The Supreme Harvey York

Harvey York’s Rise To Power Chapter 2266

Chapter 2266

“Thank you, Young Master Flynn. I’ll be sure to thank you properly once the situation has been resolved,” Teresa replied quietly, and then glanced at the roguish man.

“Where is everyone meeting tonight?”

“Sky Casino-Palace.”

“The Emperor’s Dine

The tone on the other side of the phone was quite condescending.

“Seven o’clock at night. You better be here on time, CEO Thompson! Don’t be late!”

“Another thing. The Third Young Master said that he’ll let you off the hook for getting his men beaten up, all for my sake.”

“You can take your staff members away for now.”

“But you should think hard on how you should be thanking him!”

“Thank you, Young Master Flynn. I’ll be there on time. Please say some good things about me when everyone’s there.”

After hanging up the call, the roguish man’s phone rang. He spoke to the phone for a moment, before showing Teresa a wretched smile.

“You’re pretty lucky to have Young Master Flynn ‘s support, CEO Thompson.”

Master will

get out

and they tried to stand up.

at Harvey before he

alright. Everything’s resolved for the time being. Have some rest back in the hotel, I’ll deal with the

comfort the shocked staff members, then took

out a huge

We’ll be

to bring the Third Young Master here

know who you are, Harvey, but you shouldn’t be so reckless next time. Because of


manage to provoke

it’ll be

my fault that this happened. I shouldn’t have told you about the situation. You got

soon as you can. Don’t worry about what happens

take the

you do business with someone like the Third Young

of the four young masters of the Hamilton family, he’s the most unreasonable person to

is he from the underworld, but he also would stop at nothing

Chapter 2266

business deals.”

from the Thompson family, you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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