The Ultimate Husband

The Ultimate Husband In Chinese Chapter 376-380

Chapter 376 In the

advanced box, Li Heihu and Zhang Biao closed their eyes in enjoyment.

Next to them, two sexy and beautiful beauties are gently massaging them.

Today, Li Heihu is very happy. His younger brother Zhang Biao is said to have made money in financial business, making several hundred million. I specially invited myself for a massage today.

“Brother Hu, your little brother, I am rich now, and you are the one I should be thankful for!” Zhang Biao smiled and snapped his fingers. Immediately afterwards, a beautiful woman walked in, holding a piece of suet white jade in her hand.

Zhang Biao raised his eyebrows: “Brother Hu, I heard that you like jade. I made some money, I bought this white suet jade and gave it to you.”

“Okay, okay, okay!” Li Heihu nodded again and again. My little brother is really going to have trouble. It’s not worth taking care of him like this!

Holding Bai Yu in his hand, at this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

What the hell, Brother Feng? !

Li Heihu sat up all of a sudden and carefully answered the phone.

Brother Feng called, there must be something urgent!

“Li Heihu.” On the other side of the phone, Yue Feng said coldly: “I found out that you are really bold now. Your younger brother has started to engage in illegal business, right? Is your special code floating? “


Li Heihu was scolded and turned his head, and he couldn’t speak easily: “Brother Feng, it’s not right, Second Young Master… No… Mr. Yue, I… I didn’t understand…”

Last time Yue Feng Qian urged him to call him Mr. Yue.

“Don’t understand?” Yue Feng said coldly: “You have a younger brother, let’s call it Zhang Biao. I lied to my mother-in-law for a villa. I will only give you ten minutes and return everyone’s money. I am in the middle. The hospital is waiting.”


The voice fell, and the phone hung up.

What the hell! Only then did Li Heihu react, and he kicked Zhang Biao on the head!

“Brother Hu, you, what are you doing…” Zhang Biao was kicked and eaten by a dog, and his head was plunged into the foot basin.

“Sorry for you, your special code is worth your money, right?” Li Heihu shouted, and punched him again: “You bastard! The financial company you special code has deceived hundreds of millions, your special code Are you still happy?”

Zhang Biao wanted to cry without tears: “Brother Hu, I lied, but I lied to ordinary people without background…”

“Fuck you!” Li Heihu’s face was black with anger Line: “Brother Feng’s mother-in-law, you cheated on a villa!”

Brother Feng? Which wind brother?

Zhang Biao’s head was blank.

Li Heihu grabbed his hair and picked him up: “Brother Feng, it’s my brother. It’s the second young master of the Yue family. It’s the person I am most grateful for in my life! Give me my money back!”

Zhang Biao almost didn’t freak out. Pants, in his impression, Brother Hu had never had such a temper before, so he quickly put on his clothes and went to the Chinese medicine hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, Shen Man is chatting with Wang Kun. Just then, a Land Rover came quickly.

From a distance, Li Biao got out of the car and went straight to the crowd.

“It was he who cheated us of our money!” Shen Man shouted when he saw Li Biao.

“That’s right, it’s him!”

“He came to refund our money!”

There was a burst of cheers. Shen Man couldn’t be happier, took Wang Kun’s hand and said, “Xiao Wang, you are still very good, and I called Li Biao with a phone call.”

Huh? Wang Kun’s face is stunned, what’s the situation? Didn’t my father say that I didn’t know Li Biao or Li Heihu?

Could it be that Li Biao was recruited by his father through a relationship?

Yes, definitely so! Thinking of this, Wang Kun smiled.

At this time, Li Biao also walked in front of everyone, sweating profusely, holding a card in his hand, he knelt down with a plop: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t lie to you for money, I’m sorry… I’ll give you the money back. , I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare anymore..”

Haha! Seeing Li Biao like this, everyone laughed. At the same time give a thumbs up to Wang Kun.

Wang Kun was so proud, he stepped forward and took Li Biao’s bank card. Looking at him condescendingly: “It’s good to know what’s wrong, and next time, I can’t spare you!”


Li Biao looked up at Wang Kun, his face full of confusion. Who is this kid? I don’t know myself! Could it be… Could he be Brother Feng’s friend?

At that time, Li Biao didn’t dare to be presumptuous, so he could only admit his mistakes repeatedly: “Yes, yes, I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare any more… In this card, not only did you have the money you were cheated on, but I also gave you more. You have a lot of interest..”

Wow! Hearing this, everyone is very happy!

Shen Man couldn’t close his mouth even more, and said to Wang Kun: “Xiao Wang, it’s really thanks to you this time, or you are amazing, a phone call will solve the matter. If my daughter can marry you, she should How good.”

Listening to her mother’s words, Liu Xuan stomped her feet angrily, blushing a little.

Chapter 377

At this time, Liu Xuan only felt embarrassed. In the past, Wang Kun pursued herself very violently.

Although he had not paid attention to him for a long time, this time, Wang Kun really helped a lot.

“Thank you, Wang Kun.” Liu Xuan whispered.

at my waste son-in-law, the money will

Shen, call me if you have anything to do in the future. This liar dares to

that, he kicked Zhang Biao: “What a scumbag, cheating for money again. If you

he dared not speak out. After all, he should be Brother Feng’s friend. At that time, Zhang Biao nodded again and again: “Yes, yes, I won’t lie anymore,

Heihu calling. Zhang Biao picked

Yes, after returning the money, you apologize to Brother Feng, and Brother Feng himself said that he forgives you before you can come back! Otherwise, I will rip your skin

up with a

no tears. He stood up with a sad face and said to Wang Kun, “Brother, can I see Brother Feng…I

was full of doubts: “Where is Brother Feng here? My father’s name is Wang Kun, and my father’s name

believes that his father


buzzed, what’s going on? This kid doesn’t know Brother Feng? ! He scratched his head and asked

stunned by the question, and said angrily, “Are you deaf? I

He doesn’t


Biao cried

and eaten by a dog,

everyone present was stunned, what’s going on? How do you say it’s

rode on Wang Kun

Feng, and I just played the special code just now? Those who point fingers there, beep and

more and more angry, stood up and kicked a few more times, and finally spat at Wang

shouted loudly. At this time, the face was beaten with blue and purple patches. It’s

who beat you! I don’t know Brother Feng, are you pretending to be Nima here?” Zhang Biao howled, and another burst of fire surged up, rushing

of him: “Zhang Biao, you can cheat us for money, but you dare to beat Wang

will beat him today! Get out of

this Zhang Biao was really coming, and this slap was about to be photographed. At that time, her face

wanted to stop her, but it was

this moment, a cold voice

you’re almost


hurriedly looked back and met Yue Feng’s eyes. At that time, cold sweat fell down! He is

the matter, the beautiful woman in front

it’s over,

mother-in-law’s money and almost beat her.


knees and knelt there all

Chapter 378

Brother Feng, I was wrong, I didn’t know she was your mother-in-law, I want to know, I wouldn’t dare to lend me ten courage..” Zhang

moment, the whole audience was

What.. what’s the situation?

Feng in Zhang Biao’s mouth

Looking at Yue Feng incredulously, it turns out… It turns out that Zhang Biao’s refund was because

you must forgive me, you must…” Zhang Biao was about to cry, hugging Yue Feng’s thigh and saying, “Brother Feng, if you are not satisfied, I


voice fell, everyone present

subordinates will do

two more times as if he had been granted amnesty, and then

got into the car, the entire hospital

son-in-law is really

that he is a waste, you

amazing, he won’t be

deceived women shouted one after

didn’t react until now. She wondered in her heart, what happened to this Yue Feng, why is he so powerful? She wanted to ask Yue Feng very much.

said, “Okay, okay, my son-in-law is usually a bit

people smiled

Man, let’s

Man, such a good son-in-law, why are you

a strong ability, it’s my word, delicious treats every day.

hear a voice of praise. At this time, Liu Xuan’s heart was also very

Husband is amazing.

Yue Feng’s arm tightly, full

an hour later, Yue Feng and Shen Man’s mother and

of the villa,

before it was sold. But fortunately, the person who

Liu Xuan said good night and

and they slept in one room. But Liu Xuan was sleeping

Yue Feng felt physically and mentally exhausted.


get a

night’s sleep, but at this moment,

not Liu Xuan who thinks about

his heart, Yue Feng showed a smile. Could it be that tonight, I’m finally going to

Feng was so happy in his heart, he quickly ran

It wasn’t Liu Xuan.

Instead…Shen Man!

she doing here in the middle of

Chapter 379

the middle of the night, why don’t you change your clothes, what are

of saliva and couldn’t help but take a

extremely graceful. Standing with Liu Xuan, it was impossible to tell that they

turn on the light..” Yue Feng smiled


Shen Man put his hand to his mouth and made a silent gesture. On the charming


turn on the

mysterious. What are you going


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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